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Habbits App - A Funny Way of Managing Your Daily Tasks

Building habits can be a tricky thing. It takes month by month of consistent focus and dedication. If you quit early or don’t keep it up day in and day out you simply will not form new habits. Thankfully there are some apps that will help you create some healthy new habits to move your life in the right direction.

Forget about boring lists, guys from Croatia have just announce Habbits App that will lead you through the world of everyday tasks with small creatures living in your phone!

Press Release:

Habbits is the name of mobile application that manages your daily tasks. Although it may seem that Habbits are made for women and kids, everybody adores them! Gaming features will make everybody smile and definitely make your day Maintenance of habits requires discipline and strong will. It’s not easy to stick to the planned route but Habbits will help you maintain your habits.

Application is simple to use, but rich with features. Each task is defined by its Habbit, name, action, repeating days and alert time. Fun starts with task completion. Each finished task creates opportunity to play with Habbit associated to that task. Therefore, cute kitty, bunny, bear, dog and owl just wait for you to be diligent. They will listen to you and repeat your words in a funny way. While you’ll be working hard and finishing tasks, your Habbits will grow. Marking the task finished will make associated Habbit more mature, starting up from a baby to full grown Habbit. But that’s not all! Cute ladybug will help you cracking an egg on the playground. You’ll have to find out yourself what’s in the egg.

Application is available free of charge. Two Habbits, bear and rabbit are available uppon a start and kitty, dog and owl can be purchased for 0.99 USD (all three of them). Buying additional Habbits package will unlock push notifications feature.

Habbits are awarded by Croatian Chamber of Commerce with attendance to MWC in Barcelona 2012.
Habbits are selected as one of ten finalists for HackFwd Pitch In Berlin that will occur on March 10th 2012.

IT4U is a professional mobile application development company based in Croatia. More than eight years of mobile development created various products in cutting edge technologies like Java ME (2004.-2009.), Android, iOS and Blackbery (2009.-2012.). As a regional leading mobile development company, IT4U will continue development of top quality mobile content.

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  1. Nice App, im from Croatia so im proud we got some good developers for iOS and android.
