5 Free iPhone Apps For Daily Use

iPhone is one of the best class of Smart-phones available in the market today. Users are using it for much more than just the traditional use of mobile phones. With an iPhone, users have a slim and
stylish supercomputer at their fingertips. iPhone is now extensively used by users for their various daily
requirements. Mentioned below are 5 free apps for iPhone that are very useful on a daily basis.

Alarm ClockHD: An alarm clock is a must have for all of us. This great app wakes you up with your
favorite songs and music. Further, it has a built-in weather information system that informs you of all
the relevant weather updates. The app is integrated with Facebook and twitter and allows users to
share their information on their social profiles.

iMapmyrun: For all those health conscious users who go out on a daily morning walk or run, this
app serves them best. The app can map your route and track your speed, distance and time taken.
Moreover, it also offers nutrition information that can help in maintaining a proper diet. This app also
has popular social media channels integrated into it and allows the users to post their stats on their
personal accounts on them.

HopStop: The hopstop app is very handy for users who want to avoid the fickle of public transport.
Users can check the service changes and easily find quicker routes to get to work on time. Currently, the
app offers route and travel information for 62 cities and more cities are being added on a regular basis.

FlipBoard: This app was named Apple’s iPad app of the year in 2012. The app serves as a personal
pocket sized social magazine for users. The app serves as one of the best tools for staying in informed
about all the social activities on your profile. The app creates a magazine consisting of all the things
being shared on user’s social profiles and presents them according to chosen categories.

GoogleCurrents: You will definitely want to be informed of all the current trends and latest news. This
great Google app turns the iPhone into an impressive magazine and provides updates from all the major
publications and blogs. Just go through the app whenever you have time and you will have all the latest
news and updates.

All the above mentioned apps are available for free over app store and are extensively used by iPhone
users. Make your app smarter and more useful by downloading and installing these great apps today.

About Author : Amy Patrix is a Mobile application developer cum blogger at Xicom Technologies
which is a prominent mobile application Development Company and software development company
offers Top-Notch IT Outsourcing Services and Mobile apps development services to large multinational
organizations and Enterprises spread all over the globe.

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