Ways To Get Your Website Penalized

Google tends to impose penalties on low standard and low quality websites online. There are also sites that do not match the standards of an automated quality-check and thus get penalized by popular online search engines.

Reasons of a website getting penalized:

Linking to Adult and Gambling Sites

There are websites, blogs or articles that often get linked to different gambling or adult sites. These sites many times offer a heavy price to authentically link up with particular website. However, website owners must avoid earning a hefty amount in a short span of time rather than repenting later by losing some of the most valuable readers online.
Many adult sites may also try to illegally link themselves with certain websites to spoil overall reputation of a particular site in a global online market. Nevertheless this illegal entry of adult sites can never impose any penalty on the affected website from search engine authorities.

Building up too many Links at an entry level

Despite of being new to the world of internet, there are many websites that tend to create many back-links at a rapid speed. The search engines do not like the idea of new sites creating too many back-links and that too in a short span of time. You can start slow and build up various back-links slowly and steadily to avoid all the possible penalties.


Many websites do spamming so as to optimize their sites. Spamming involves unauthentic procedure of collecting addresses and selling it to other spammers. Search engines usually impose penalties on spamming sites as they do not encourage spammers or spamming online.
Website developers can keep away from spamming by not using auto-submission services. They can also use variety of titles for comments and avoid using software’s especially for submitting different comments in a bulk. As an online website owner you can also avoid spamming by reducing the habit of posting your website links more often on different forums.

Posting Copied Contents

Duplication of contents will not only reduce a site rating or ranking but also make a particular site suffer heavy penalties from a search engine. You can hire qualitative and expert freelance writers to write unique contents for your websites, articles and blogs and thus avoid duplication and plagiarism of contents.

Facing Deception

There are deceits who will offer varied tips to change your site themes to make it similar to another competitive websites. This will not only ruin a website respect and reputation in a global competitive online platform but also let penalties be imposed by different search engines. You can avoid deceits to avoid penalties.

Over stuffing of websites with keywords

Over stuffing the sites with keywords especially after every next statement can lead to website penalties. On the contrary users can select keywords that offer the most valuable links to other informative sites of the reader’s interest. The proper optimization of a website on any search engines will ultimately increase the traffic and business leads too.
Getting penalized by popular search engines can make it more difficult for any website to revive its original position on varied search results. Thus, utilizing appropriate S.E.O. strategies can help every website owner to avoid penalties from known, popular and valuable search engines online.

About the author: Margaret is a blogger by profession. 

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