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The Future of Online Learning

The term university comes from the Latin word "universitas" which means "all together". Current online higher education programs enhance this model by bringing together many types of learners from several diverse cultures. What would appear to be a kind of isolated individual learning is actually broadly structured interaction of students engaged in formal and informal learning. The learning environment does not determine the quality of instruction or limit interaction with other learners.

The University of London was among the first to offer its students the opportunity to further their education through correspondence courses as early as the 1840's. This trend proved highly successful and is still in existence today. The advent of the Internet has made it possible to deliver information to people in the most remote parts of the world in real time. Internet learning is the enhanced equivalent of the successful correspondence courses of the past. Many thousands of correspondence courses are still offered throughout the world, but online courses have replaced most.

Universities continue to debate the pros and cons of Cyberspace education. Several challenges facing universities include budgetary problems encountered when students choose online learning over more traditional on-campus attendance; however, this concept is changing. Most academic institutions consider online learning a critical element in their budgetary plans. They continue to make a lot of money, even if students choose the alternative method of learning. Students taking online courses pay tuition equal to that of resident students. Revenue collected from these classes pays teacher salaries and other incurred expenses.

With the world economy in turmoil today, Universities search for ways to reduce expenses, offer quality education courses and raise revenue. The answer may lie in Cyberspace learning. Technology allows universities to offer students a quality education by embracing the online concept. Online classes require smaller staffing, which helps reduce faculty salaries found in traditional teaching. The revenue from these classes helps fund other university needs as well.

Demand for education transcends age, race and cultural barriers. Higher education is the bridge that supports understanding and advanced knowledge of the world. Education is the key to helping society adjust and adapt to major social changes and individuals benefit the most. The world population is living longer and demanding easier more convenient ways to stay abreast of ever-changing information. More older people, once considered too old for college, are taking advantage of technological advances in education by enrolling in online classes.

Cyberspace learning is the future of universities dedicated to bringing top quality education to all who seek to improve their quality of life, regardless of life status and location. Modern institutions of learning such as the University of London aspire to provide technology that integrates learning with doing. Computer-based simulations will replace fact learning in the future. Real problems presented through collaborative interaction will provide an optimal learning environment for online students. Online learning places higher education within the reach of some who might never experience it without the advent of advanced technology.

Technology makes it possible to reap the benefits of higher education without leaving home. This alternative route to higher education will endure over time.
The University of London are always the quickest to embrace new teaching techniques. For more reasons why you should study in London visit the Study London website.

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