The Future of the Internet

 If you had to say what had changed the world the most in the last decade the you could make a very good case for that being the internet. While there have been many new inventions and improved technologies, it's fair to say that the internet has become perhaps the most ubiquitous and that it has in many ways been what has allowed the other devices to exist (the iPhone and iPad for instance wouldn't be half as interesting if they weren't internet enabled). 

Today we use the internet as a tool for communication, for research, for creativity, for entertainment and more, and in many ways it's hard to imagine a world where these things aren't available to us.
So then if the internet has come on that much in this short space of time, it's perhaps difficult to imagine where it might lead us over the next ten years and beyond, and to think about how it will develop and continue to change the way we interact with the world.

Faster Connections and Cloud Computing
One thing that it's very fair to assume however is that internet speeds will continue to get faster and faster, allowing us to transmit more information more quickly than ever before, and allowing us to do so much more quickly. This is then what will enable us to use the 'cloud' more; basically internet speeds will be fast enough to mean that we don't need to download things any more and this in turn will mean that we can stream things straight from the internet. Already we have apps that allow us to quickly use anything software we want after a fast download, but in future we might also be able to run those apps off of the web without even needing to download them.
This is partly because we are likely to see a future where the apps no longer really run on the devices we are using themselves, but rather on the servers. You won't download anything, and your processor won't be used for much either – instead your device will simply serve as an input over a connection and show on the screen what is happening.

Miniaturization and the 'Internet of Things'
This in turn will mean that devices no longer need to have fast processors or lots of RAM themselves – as long as they are connected to a machine that does. That in turn will mean that a device as small as a phone or smaller could be used to run the latest 3D games etc.
This will then combine with the general miniaturization that ensures that components have been becoming gradually cheaper and smaller over the years, which will mean that internet enabled devices are cheap to the point of being almost disposable, and which will make the internet much more versatile.
This will ensure that we see a birth of the 'internet of things' – a concept that has been around for a while now which would mean that one day everything was online from your TV to your plant pots and that everything could communicate with each other.
This would then greatly increase the possibilities of augmented reality too – as there would be much more data available to be shared between devices, and that would mean that we could one day wear glasses that would overlay this data over the 'real world'.

About the Author:
Sebastian is blogger and technical writer who usually writes articles realted to tech and seo. He recently posted article sharing review about his new ISP BT Infinity.

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