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How Do Businesses Maintain Social Responsibility?

All businesses are protecting their interests in a manner like never before.

cc licensed ( BY ) flickr photo shared by betsyweber

What Is Social Responsibility?

Take a look at the website of any business and you will see a great deal of information regarding social responsibility in the “About Us” section of the website. Many businesses pride themselves on having high standards and many initiatives pertaining to a great display of social responsibility. Having a mission statement, ideals and values aimed at delivering this can have huge positive impacts on the credibility of a business, both in the eyes of consumers as well as potential corporate customers and prospective business partners.
At its most literal, social responsibility describes actions taken by a business to preserve and boost their immediate environment. Many businesses will undertake charitable donations, put money into initiatives around the world, particularly in developing economies, and pledge to lower their own carbon footprint through a number of actions. Does information security also play a role in social responsibility?

Implementing Social Responsibility Ideas

Regardless of the size of a business, it is a good idea for an information security management policy in place. By having such a system in place, businesses are safeguarding both their own interests and that of their customers, therefore displaying high levels of social responsibility. Although an information security management policy is unlikely to be spoken about publicly and especially not through a business’ website, this will inevitably help to shape and maintain many facets of an organisation’s social responsibility initiatives.

What Does An Information Security Policy Do?

There are many myths around what an information security management policy is and who implements it. In terms of social responsibility within corporations the responsibility will definitely fall at the feet of the board of directors, CEO or managers throughout the business. There are a wide range of policies and standards which can be introduced into organisations which will further enhance their credibility within their social responsibility jurisdiction. Whether it is a simple guideline which means only designated company officers can speak to the press, or the restriction of use of many IT systems, information security is a far reaching subject which, when you scratch the surface, almost seems irrelevant in terms of speaking about social responsibility.
As businesses continually seek ways to boost their standing in the world, it could well be that those with the best information security management systems are the ones to thrive. While many will criticise these business as secretive and bureaucratic, managed correctly these security policies could well be their ticket to a bright future. provides resources and documents to help you learn how to devise an information security management system.

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