How to Use Your Time Effectively

For most adults who work outside of the home, managing their business and personal lives can become quite difficult. Learning to manage time will not only mean having more time in their day for relaxation and down time, but it will also mean they will use their time more efficiently to get much-needed tasks completed.

A few simple ways to use your time effectively in business and personal lives are to use time-management systems, create to-do lists, multi-task a variety of activities, set goals and schedule daily activities.

Time-Management Systems

Using time-management systems, such as day planners, personal computers and cell phone calendars will help to manage your days and use time effectively. It is important to remember to include dates of appointments, meetings, bill due dates and other important items on your schedule.
Time-management systems often provide reminders of events before they happen, and on the day that they will occur. This will help keep the busy professional on track and use their time effectively.

To-do Lists

To-do lists are itemized action plans for things to accomplish, in order of importance. By prioritizing your list you will complete items in order of importance, which means you shouldn't miss any significant deadlines or assignments. If the tasks are large and complicated, it may be easier to list each item with a few objectives listed for the item.


Multi-tasking has both positive and negative connotations. There are some tasks you should never complete while multi-tasking.
For example, when dealing with accounting or bookkeeping issues, it isn't wise to attempt completing another task at the same time. Items easily done at the same time will make multi-tasking an important time management skill to learn. For example, if you have a telephone call that requires a long hold time, it would be wise to edit a report that needs work, type up notes from a meeting or review documents that need your signature.

Goal Setting

Setting goals will help you decide what you want to accomplish, and how you will achieve it. For example, if you would like a promotion at your job, you should sit down and think of all the actions you need to take to get this goal achieved. Goal setting should focus on realistic goals to achieve over a certain amount of time.
A goal many people set is to lose weight. A realistic weight goal is “I would like to lose 10 pounds in two months.” This goal's objectives may include exercising and eating right.


Learning to schedule your time appropriately will assist with time management, as it is possible to schedule everything from sleep to work, and even reading and showering. Penciling in all of your daily activities will make it possible to complete tasks in the allotted times, and avoid spending too much time on the unimportant tasks.
Time management is a skill that is helpful for those in the business world to accomplish. Time management skills are beneficial to managers, employees and leaders; as those who can manage their time effectively can do more work quickly.

About the Author:
Annie is a money-saving blogger for Dobovo, the free tool to pick a free apartments on your business travel.

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