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Is Your Local Business Prepared and Current with Changes in Technology?

Every local business looks to grow and gain new leads—it’s why we’re in business. And with today’s technology, it can be more challenging, yet easier, at the same time to make it happen. 

Our Business Depends Upon Our Ability to Keep Up with (or at least be aware of) Technology Changes and Trends.
Knowing what lies ahead is important for any local business. It’s one way to keep up-to-date with everything that’s occurring in the business world and its surroundings. It’s important to not fall behind, so you can keep up and compete with all the other local businesses out there, especially when it comes to technology.

Local Businesses Need to Expect the Unexpected.
As cliché as it sounds, local businesses need to expect the unexpected. Something new could start a trend that may be vital to helping your business out. Look at how important Smartphones are to businesses in today’s world. Since they’ve been released, businesses have been creating apps to allow people to use their business at a click of a button or swipe of a finger, and now, consumers expect it.

Use Social Media to Keep Up with the Trends
One way to keep track of everything that’s happening in the technology world is using technology itself. There are many social media networking sites which allow you to keep up to date with gossip, rumors, and facts. Businesses create profiles through sites such as Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, and more to keep in touch with other businesses and keep up to date with what’s occurring and what’s new. Having a social media community on one or more different networks can be very beneficial for you local business. Plus, these social networking sites can be accessed from just about anywhere, including computers, wifi devices, and Smartphones, so you don’t only find what you need, but others can easily find you, as well.

Is Your Website Outdated?
When it comes to your local business website, it’s important to have it up to date as well. Believe it or not, there are many websites that were created years ago and still use the same layout without any changes. Redesigning or at least updating your website is a way to keep up with what’s going on with other businesses around you. You’re now able to add links and buttons directing visitors to your social media pages or to other sites. Having your site mobile friendly is a plus as well, which will allow nearly anyone with a Smartphone to view your site within their hands the way it should be viewed on a computer screen.

Keeping up-to-date with what’s happening now will help you prepare your local business for the technology updates and new creations in the future it needs to keep up with the competition and grow you lead base and local business.

About the Author:
Founder and CEO of the local business internet marketing firm Surefire Social, Chris Marentis has over 30 years of experience in the field of local business marketing. Chris successfully generates leads and brands businesses across the web by leveraging website development, social media marketing and search engine optimization.

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