Mobile Marketing Tips

SMS marketing is becoming increasingly popular these days, thanks to low cost bulk text messaging, and the ubiquity of mobile phones.  Most people carry their mobile phones with them everywhere, and this means that SMS marketing is a good way to catch their attention.  However, if you go overboard with your marketing messages, you can quickly alienate your subscribers.  The following tips will help you to run an effective mobile marketing campaign.

Respect People's Privacy
Resist the temptation to buy mobile phone number lists.  It's better to send your marketing texts to just a small number of interested, opted-in consumers, than to blanket market a huge number of people that have no desire to hear about your company.

Give Incentives to Opt In
Instead of running one huge marketing program, run different lists for different reasons, and incentivise people to opt in to more than one list.  For example, you could run a list for events, and another for major sales updates, and a third for weekly messages about general special offers.
Make sure that people know that they can opt-out, and regularly remind them how to do this.

Add Value With Your Messages
Resist the temptation to make all of your texts contain marketing messages. Try to text on a regular, predictable schedule so that people don't forget that they have signed up to receive your messages.  Make some of the messages informational, and occasionally offer a reward for continued subscription - even if it's just a free coffee or reduced entry to an event.

Promote Your Marketing List Via Other Messages
Some people are still wary of signing up to marketing lists, but are happy to receive messages for other reasons - such as order updates, delivery tracking information, or billing reminders.  If you occasionally mention your other services and lists at the end of these text messages, then you may eventually convert a few customers into subscribers.

Time Your Messages
The beauty of text messages is that the recipient does not have to stop what they are doing and read or answer the message immediately. They can continue whatever they are doing when they hear their phone beep, and read the message at their leisure.  Most people do check messages fairly soon after they arrive, however, so timing messages carefully can be beneficial.  For example, if you run a pizza shop, you could send a message about your evening plan for half price "happy hour" pizzas early in the afternoon.  People should see that message when they leave work for the day, and may stop by your pizza shop on the way home.
Sending marketing texts is a good way to build up a long term relationship with your customers, however if you want to succeed with SMS marketing you will need to do some research to make sure that you build you list in accordance with local laws, and that you do not annoy your customers by sending them messages that are not what they wanted, or expected, to receive.

About the Author:
This post was written by James Harper on behalf of Collstream who help organisations with marketing messages and marketing texts. To find out more about marketing messages and marketing texts please click here. 

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