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Do You Put Work Before Sleep?

Recent research has proved that as much as one in three British workers are sleep deprived due to being overworked. Working very long hours and not getting enough sleep is actually damaging to productivity levels.

The Figures

Studies were conducted which involved asking some 40,000 UK workers - selected from major companies such as O2, Telecom, Medtronic - questions related to their general sleep patterns.
The results of the research were worrying. Indeed, the results revealed a number of alarming facts related to the amount of quality sleep workers are getting. Only two out of every three workers are said to be getting sufficient sleep. In fact, many workers report that they get under five hours of sleep in one night, with a mere 10% of all workers taking part in the survey saying they get at least eight hours of sleep per night.
In addition, only one out of every seven report that they wake up feeling sufficiently refreshed, with 8.4% admitting they were not happy with their sleep quality and a further 25% saying they were unhappy. Over half of the workers confessed to feeling tired when they wake up. A mere 15.5% claimed that they feel entirely happy with the amount and quality of sleep they get. Some 3.3% admitted to feeling exhausted on waking. Overall, over a third of the workers received a low score in the survey, with scores being generally lower among women than men.

The Consequences

The results suggest to specialists that out of the third of workers who are getting insufficient sleep, a high number of them could in fact be diagnosed with a sleeping disorder. More alarming perhaps is the fact that the problem appears to be significantly greater in the UK than in other counties, including America.
Among the many consequences of poor sleep quality is the fact that many individuals could be simply too tired to carry out their work properly. Indeed, many workers are said to suffer from attention problems similar to those they would have if they were feeling the effects of alcohol.
In addition, those who suffer from lack of sleep are considerably more vulnerable to illness and tend to have more days off work due to sickness than employees who enjoy sufficient sleep patterns. While comfortable beds with 
Silent night mattresses may help to alleviate the problem, the most influential factor appears to be related to how people are unable to switch off once the day's work is over

The Causes

In fact, workers who consistently take work home with them are those most likely to suffer from sleep problems. Other factors include using computers in the evening shortly before going to bed, smoking, lack of exercise and, of course, stress.


There are, however, several things that can be done which should at least alleviate the problem. It is very important to ensure that the bedroom is quiet, dark and free of clutter. People should try to go to bed and wake up at around the same time every day - many say that sleeping between 10pm and 6am is the most effective. Switching off the TV and computer at least an hour before turning in is another must.

About the Author:
Zoe is a health blogger who is currently collaborating with leading bed store.