Get A Buzz With Your Website

A website is a simple, yet very powerful tool. The purpose of a website can range from instructional to informational, and everything else in between. When looking at a website from a small business perspective, it’s apparent that having a website it practically vital. A website can open up a crucial network of communication between the business and the consumer.

One Attractive Website 

However, just because a small business has a website, doesn’t necessarily mean that a constant flow of traffic can be guaranteed. You need to be able to keep viewers interested in what is on your website. The easiest way to do this is to make the site look eye catching, professional, and reliable. Having an up-to-date design and fresh color scheme is key; you don’t want the users to overlook the site because it looks like it was put together in 2005 and hasn’t seen any updates since. Keep things interesting with an eye-catching logo or an interesting graphic or even a meaningful quote.
"For most small businesses, an online brochure site should be considered one of the most important pieces of a marketing presence.   As a result it should be professionally designed, clean, and to the point with proper call to action areas to grab a user’s attention.   It should provide an overview of your business, your products and offerings, and last but not least prominently display a means to contact you on each page"  says Payman Taei, President at Easy WebContent, Inc. a Do It Your Self Website Editing and Web Site Builder service.

Finding That Balance 

This could not be more true! Use the website as a marketing and advertising tool to increase your viewer/customer base. Keep it up to date with the latest information about your company. New updates and material will keep the already loyal consumers interested, and will attract others as well. And wedge in your contact information every chance you get, just like Payman suggests. The more people see it, the more they’ll be convinced to utilize it. It’s like walking past the cake at a party. Every time you see the cake, it becomes more and more tempting, until, you eventually give in. So give them a reason to dig into your site. Fill it with useful information that tells people about your company, but also gives them the opportunity to relate to you.
Finding the right balance of design and personality is up to you and your business’ ideals. Keeping people interested can get as experimental as you’re willing to go with it, so stretch the limits with the design, layout, and information on your site. The more up to date and professional your site looks, the more customers you’re likely to gain!

About the Author:
Miranda Pellicano is an aspiring Graphic Designer

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