What Is The Next Step For Apple's Siri Application?

Siri’s introduction to the market

For those users who own iPhones, they probably know Siri as one of their favorite applications. Siri is a voice activated application that also doubles as a personal assistant. Siri can make texts, place orders at a local restaurant, search the web for you, and even entertain with witty banter. The company Siri Incorporated was acquired by Apple in 2010, and shortly afterward Siri was incorporated as a featured application in Apple’s 5th generation operating system.  Siri has become increasingly popular among iPhones users for its practical use and its seemingly independent personality. While many users are satisfied with the application today, Apple feels that it can improve Siri and its functionality for the next operating system and series of iPhones.

Siri in iOs 6

During Apple’s Worldwide Developer’s Conference, they revealed a new, upgraded version of Siri that would feature improvements to its already powerful capacities. Users will now be able to command Siri in new ways, such as using the application to open a separate app by voice command. Users will now also be able to tweet from Siri, showing how Apple has integrated more of their regular features into the voice application. The integration goes even further, as some automobile companies are working with Apple to get a “Siri” button in their cars by the end of the calendar year. In addition to the greater application integration, Apple is also adding a number of languages to Siri. Previously, Siri was only fully functional in English and worked best in the United States. But now Spanish, French, German and even Mandarin will be part of Siri’s vast arsenal.  Siri also works as a database of sorts, collecting information in most of its interaction with users. This information is sent to Apple and helps them to produce a better, more functional application with each new release.


With the innovation of Siri as a personal assistant, other technology companies are racing to jump into the market. There is now news of Google developing its own version of Siri for its Android phone. Samsung has created a copy of sorts called S Voice that will soon be available on its smartphones. Siri was used in a competitive way from its inception. Apple knew that its users would run a significant number of searches through Siri, and many of those searches would no longer use Google as its search engine. So Apple found an innovative way to both improve its product, and down a competitor. The upgraded version of Siri is creating a wave of anticipation and it consumers and pundits alike are ready to see if the functionality stands up to the hype.

About the Author:
This post is written by Donald, he works at myoutdesk. You can hire efficient virtual assistants at Myoutdesk.com.

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