How to Find the Right Executive for Your Company

Great executives are at the heart of any successful business. Executives must have strong leadership, business and motivational skills in order to succeed in a competitive business environment. Companies that need to find or replace executives often face a daunting hiring and interview process. Many companies prefer to rely on executive recruitment consultants when filling high-level positions.

Developing a Great Job Description

In order to get the most out of a relationship with an executive recruiter, business leaders must develop a strong job description for an open position. When developing a job description, detail all the essential duties that the executive will handle. It's also important to think about the type of personality that a job candidate must have in order to be successful in the job role. 

After assessing the essential duties of a position and the personality qualities that best fit with a position, assess each item according to a one to 10 scale. Doing so will help company executives and recruiters evaluate candidates for an open job position. Remember that this qualitative scale won't be listed on a job advertisement and is only to be used during the hiring process.

Working with a Professional Recruiter

business leaders prefer to work with executive recruitment consultants because such professionals have access to an excellent candidate pool. Experienced executives who want to find new job opportunities often stay in touch with recruiters. Recruiters can generally find candidates for jobs more quickly than a company's internal human resources department. 

To ensure success, be sure to provide the recruiting company with a complete and accurate job profile. The job description developed by company executives will be of utmost value in the candidate search. After a recruiter has identified candidates, it is necessary to conduct extensive interviews. 

Most recruitment firms will take care of background checks and will vet professional qualifications. Company executives can then use interviews as an opportunity to get a sense of a candidate's personality and potential fit with company culture. Many companies also prefer to conduct personality and career fitness assessments prior to hiring candidates. 

In a tough economic climate, finding experienced executives to fill high-level job openings can be challenging. Companies that want to make the most of the recruiting process almost always benefit from pairing with an executive search firm. Such firms provide essential services and support throughout the hiring process.

About the Author:
Jill Burbank is an inbound marketer who guest blogs for a variety of online publications. Follow her @JillBurbank2.

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