Optimising Your Facebook Page

Facebook is now acknowledged as a worldwide phenomenon which every individual, organization, campaign, event or idea can take advantage of. Creating an ad campaign on Facebook is the simplest thing to do, as everything the page is required to contain is already laid out and the options for adding other promotional campaign, as the seller wishes, are many.

Getting Started

There are many guides telling you how you can start Optimising your Facebook page, and the step by step guide that Facebook itself makes available beats everything else. They are provisions made for adding text, images, videos and even hyperlinks. Facebook Ads can be launched simply by following the Getting Started guide, and even after the campaign is ready, it is possible to monitor the progress. 
The basis of Optimising your Facebook page is to identify the target users who will be most interested in the product being offered. It is these customers who have to be able to see the ad and the conversions can happen into sales.

Stay On Top Of Your Game

Facebook is so highly sought after because the platform is very vibrant and dynamic. The features keep upgrading, and the layout is changed regularly, often for the better. The recent innovation in the layout of the Facebook homepage has been the timeline, with the provision for the events in the person’s life to be seen chronologically. In addition to these features which one can see upon delving deeper, the most obvious change is that of the addition of the cover photo. This photo can be chosen from an existing album or uploaded or readily shot, but it appears in a magnified version, as opposed to the thumbnail view of the profile picture.
This feature is highly suited to businesses and fan pages because those who need to find out more information about a venture can find much to devour right from the moment the page loads. Businesses can show off their merchandise and have the thumbnail pop up come on their followers’ feeds when the cursor is moved on the name of the page. All one needs to garner is a ‘like’ from a genuine follower, and the rest of the magic will follow as the timeline unfolds.

Stay Safe

The security of what is shared and who it is shared with has been upped. Facebook is more careful than even that its registered users should be able to control what they show on their page, so there is the provision to share pictures, statuses and all other updates with friends, friends of friends or a customized list of people only.
The interactions between a friend with another friend, brand or page can also be controlled. It is also possible to check which posts are out in the open for the public. Even comments and likes can be restricted to only those that the owner of the page allows, so one will not be pestered by random following and friend requests.
With this level of flexibility and customizability being offered on this topmost of social networking sites, Optimising your Facebook page is now easy as a wink!

Author Bio:
David Hamer is CEO of MakeUsAWebsite Limited in the UK. MakeUsAWebsite provide 
small business web design and wordpress website design to companies all over the globe.

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