PR 2.0: The Next Generation

PR is not a straight forward, "black and white" subject. There are more ways to create good PR plans than is possible to list in this post but it is possible to split different methods of PR into two distinct categories; traditional media PR and new media PR.

The term traditional media PR includes the use of newspapers, television and radio. Therefore, traditional forms of PR include, for example, the writing of a press release. Traditional forms of media are still widely taught today and it would be foolish to discount them, however the rise of phenomenons such as social media has formed a revolution thus becoming an essential part of PR in a networked society. 

Defining new media PR provides a greater understanding behind the term and what it encapsulates. PR through new media can typically be recognised as blogs, wikis, and social networking sites (e.g. Twitter, Facebook, Youtube). It is from these new media types that terms such as new media PR or 'PR 2.0' arise; PR 2.0 being a play on the term 'Web 2.0' which charts the internet's transition from static screens of information to a platform that is almost "alive" and is able to evolve. As the internet becomes more advanced, so do PR techniques and such a varied range of platforms can be utilised by practitioners and organisations to take PR to dizzying heights the likes of which have not been seen before. 

New media has opened up new realms of communication for PR professionals, and is being embraced by companies keen to keep up with a modern-day networked society. It gives PR professionals an opportunity to target and reach out to new stakeholders, and engage in a conversation. It should be noted however that adapting to the new methods of communication will be a huge task for many, undoubtedly some will fail but others will dedicate their careers to mastering the art of public relations.

It is important to note that new media PR has had a profound effect on what is now recognised as traditional media PR. The impact of new media PR is so great that it almost becomes difficult to believe that what is now identified as 'traditional' media PR used to be the 'new' media PR of its time. Like with most things though, PR will evolve we will likely find that the new media PR of today very quickly becomes the traditional media PR of the future.

Author Bio:
Betty Safer writes on behalf of Berkeley Public Relations Ltd

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