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The Breakthrough of Mobile App Technology [Infographic]

Even before the Samsung Galaxy Tablet or the latest versions of the iPad came onto the market, mobile applications have steadily been making their way into the hands of internet users everywhere, mainly by smartphones. But today, with the new iPad 3, Android tablets, and countless other brands of portable internet-ready devices, there has never been a better time for mobile app development to thrive. And indeed, by the end of 2012, mobile app development will outnumber native PC application development by a ratio of 4 to 1. So it's safe to say that whether it comes to game apps, social media apps, productivity and business apps, or any other type of app you can think of, mobile apps are the future and the breakthrough is happening now. 

This infographic, the Great App-splosion, gives some great statistics on how enormous of an impact Mobile App development has today, and will continue to have on the digital landscape in the very near future.

This infographic was brought to you by fieldservice management software.

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