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5 Things Photographers Shouldn't do

As a photographer in the field I’ve noticed things a lot of photographers do wrong and seem to forget in their careers. Just to give some of you out there a refresher course were going to list a few don’ts we’ve seen some of you are doing out there. It’s great to get feedback and hey, sometimes we just forget all those small points because were so busy trying to be perfect.

Don’t take over the show

Photographers have to make the winning shot, for example wedding photography. When you are doing your job as a photographer you need to be as unobtrusive to keep the emotion and actions of those around you as natural as possible. Planned photos make great images but natural spur of the moment photos are even better. Don’t use a flash set on max and flash someone in their face so they forget their speech or don’t break the clients ideal about their product. You are obliged to give the client your professional opinion but you should also respect their wishes and their moment.

Use one memory card

One sage advice I can give you as a photographer is that you should always carry more than one memory card. Especially when you do sports photography since you’ll be taking at least a few thousand photographs. Even if you do have a decent size memory card you should always have a backup since hardware and software can fail at the most impossible moments. Keep one on hand, one in your camera bag and another in your car should you lose one of the cards (or both).

Use one camera

Don’t use one camera, as mentioned hardware do have a lifetime expectancy and you never know when one day your camera’s mirror will lock and you can’t take photos. Have an extra camera on hand for those moments when the camera malfunctions and you need a camera since the opportunity might be lost to get the same photos (wedding, sport or journalism photographers especially)

Don’t make deadlines you can’t keep

Be honest with your client, if you expect the work to take longer than you have anticipated you should play open cards and tell them you do not want to rush the project and lose quality in the process. This especially happens when you have thousands of photos to sift through or when you have a lot of post processing to do, which might is often the case in any photography career.

Author Bio:
Ben Goodman is a keen writer with articles published on various top website. Check out his list of careers article if you are looking to change careers or just starting your career.

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