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History of the Internet Connection

Internet connectivity, by which disparate networks of computers can communicate with one another as part of an international mega-network, has become a ubiquitous feature of the modern world.
Fixed-line connections and high-speed mobile and wireless services are used by businesses and their staff each day, with billions of people now relying on the internet in order to complete their daily tasks.

The idea of transferring signals over long distances using electronic pulses and various types of cabling has been around since the day of the telegraph, although it was not until the 1960s that the modern concepts behind the internet were developed and put into practice.

When the World Wide Web became standardised in the 1990s, internet connectivity also became more cohesive and easy for businesses to acquire. Dial-up connectivity was necessary in the early days and in some cases remains the only option for businesses, particularly those that are located in very remote areas that are distant from the nearest telephone exchange.
However, the business world has always been quick to adapt newer technologies and the emergence of broadband internet connectivity at the turn of the millennium allowed companies to get online at significantly faster speeds and, perhaps more importantly, enabled them to avoid the disruption to phone services that was inevitably caused by dial up.

Today, there are many different types of broadband internet connections harnessed by businesses, from ADSL and fibre optic services to mobile broadband and even satellite services. However, the type internet connection is arguably less important than the services which it makes accessible to businesses.

Because a computer or a network of machines within a company can be used to connect to another network or server array almost anywhere in the world thanks to the internet, a whole industry based on providing services through this connectivity conduit has arisen.
As well as being able to communicate with colleagues and clients or collaborate on projects across vast distances, contemporary companies can use the internet to access a whole host of platforms that are powered remotely and are not reliant on in-house technology.
In the last few years the rise of cloud computing has made it possible for companies to purchase storage, software and infrastructural IT elements as services, which turn
s them into intangible utilities hosted remotely rather than restricted on-site elements.

The internet and the technologies that it has promoted allowed the development of a digital economy on a global scale, with traditional companies harnessing new services and businesses being created in order to fill the roles required by this emerging era.

Many firms now deal entirely in digital products, whether this comes in the form of content creation and media generation or digital management and data security. Because high-speed internet connectivity is available to consumers, not just the businesses that rely on them, it has been possible for whole new markets to emerge almost overnight, as well as for companies that hope to tap into national or global markets that might have been unavailable to them in the past.
Almost every action taken by contemporary businesses is in some way channelled through an internet connection. This infrastructure has become as important today as road and rail transport were in centuries past, since any type of connectivity which greases the wheels of commerce and speeds up economic growth is going to become invaluable and central.

Internet connectivity is still evolving and is anticipated to continue playing its part in the development of business over the coming decades, although quite what shape this impact will take is almost impossible to predict.

About the Article:
Daisy Group PLC has been dealing with emerging technologies and has been at the forefront of broadband connectivity for ukbusinessess 

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