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Is your Home ready to be Solar Powered

Why Should We Become Solar Powered?

Have you received your recent energy bills and had a mini-heart attack? Prices appear to be increasing all the time, but yet we need electricity just to live and do the simple but essential things. In some ways we are at the mercy of energy providers, though we are also doing massive environmental harm each year, the effects of which we are already witnessing in our lifetime. To go solar has previously been seen as something of-the-wall which you would see on The Good Life, but in the last few years, more leading governments across the globe are warning us about how much energy we use and the consequences if we do not curb this. Now to go solar is more widely seen as a viable option, if only to save on the bills which affect us more directly now.

Are there drawbacks?

Previously, concerns about solar power were that it wasn’t consistent, and relied heavily on what the weather was like. For some areas, like Africa, or South America, this would be OK as they receive a lot of sunshine annually, whereas in the UK or Canada, the perception is that sunshine is either hard to come by, or very unpredictable. Shifts in weather patterns can be pre-determined whereas others are not paid enough attention or can be freak-occurrences, so solar power had been previously discredited in building a stable energy source. However, that is no longer an issue, or at least remains a false perception.

Myths About Solar

Now even when homes are not necessarily facing the proper direction to be exposed to sunlight, electrical energy can still be created by systems which are placed at different angles to catch it, which wasn’t possible before.The other misconception is that if you do have solar-panelling fitted, you don’t have a traditional, utility back-up to help you out, if it hasn’t been particularly sunny or if you haven’t enough stored away. There are many, many properties currently, that are taking advantage of solar-panelling but can at the flick of switch, revert back to their usual energy source. 

How Best To Go About Going Solar

The benefit of turning to solar can be thought of when we experience long periods of heat waves, all of which could be harnessed and stored for future use. It seems a waste to have that potential energy ready at hand, and yet going to waste. Most will advise that you begin small and work up, just as a widespread conversion to solar power nationally and internationally would have to be gradual to avoid any hiccups. Most households will be best suited to starting small with maybe outdoor lights or things that aren’t completely essential that may be found inside the property.

What Do I Pay or Need To Do?

The first thing to do would be to assess how much energy you require, as this can vary from property to property depending on usage, how often they are occupied, number of occupants etc. That way your advisor can let you know the best system for you or the one where you’ll get the most from. If you do not own the property, you will need to get the confirmation that you can make these changes to the property, as you would with any new fixture, from the letting agent, landlord or building owner beforehand; do this well in advance so as not to waste any time or money for nothing, fully explaining the process and what, if anything, is required of them (most likely this will amount to signing an agreement). Like any installation of any device or system, there are the usual maintenance queries such as booking an appropriate time for the installer to carry out the work, factoring in that this involves working on the roof which is a bit different and has its own challenges (your roof may need to meet certain requirements as well). This shouldn’t be much of a problem as long as you contract an experienced, accredited installer to do the work; this will require some research on your part. Check their websites thoroughly, and use your own judgement; for example, these 
solar panel installers in Shropshire answer many queries on their site, including video which may be of help or enlighten you. 
You would only have to pay initially for the system and installation; from there on, you are only in debt to the sun who fortunately does not charge like energy companies, let alone so extortionately. 

Author Bio:
Paul believes fiercely in being as eco-friendly as he can day-to-day. Recently, he has been working on how individuals can check that their white goods are rated as highly on the energy efficiency scale as possible, including the questions they should be asking. He has also been working on other projects, spreading the word about alternative energy sources.

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