Top 4 iPhone Apps for Eating Healthy

There is literally an iPhone app for anything these days. Luckily, many of these apps fall under the healthy eating category. But with so many choices, how do you know which ones are best? Here are the top 4 iPhone apps for eating healthy and the reasons why.

Restaurant Nutrition

The Restaurant Nutrition iPhone app allows users to pull up useful nutritional information about their favorite foods at fast food chains such as Taco Bell and KFC, and restaurants such as the Olive Garden.
When you’re in the drive thru at McDonalds and you want to know how many calories are in a Big Mac, just pull up the Restaurant Nutrition app and look it up! Or what about that delicious pasta dish at your favorite Italian restaurant? If you’re looking for sodium content, the app has that information too. It might make you think twice before ordering!
Not only does the app offer nutritional facts for restaurants, but it will also track food intake for multiple users and will let you search for dishes based on user entered parameters, such as calorie content. It also has a restaurant locator function, just in case you get lost on the way to your favorite restaurant.
With an easy-to-use interface and excellent user targeted content, this app takes the cake in the top 4 iPhone apps for eating healthy.


VegOut is a vegetarian restaurant guide for the iPhone. This app will tell you where the nearest “vegetable friendly” restaurant is in your area. It even has a customizable option to choose different areas if you are planning to do some traveling.
This is an especially good app if you are new to the vegetarian world or are just looking to improve your daily eating out diet. Because the app is powered by, you can view ratings by fellow restaurant goers to choose which location is best for you.

Good Food Near You

On the move and looking for healthy alternatives to that delicious fast food joint? This app will help you find what you are looking for! Good Food Near You provides you with the closest healthy alternatives by location.
Not only will it find the healthiest restaurants near your location, but it will also let you sort through different menu items by fat content, calorie content, and the amount of carbs in each item! The app even lets you search for restaurants near popular landmarks and in travel heavy spots such as airports.
With the out and about type lifestyle that most everyone lives these days, this app can be a great tool for eating healthy on the go.

Nutrition Menu

Nutrition Menu is an excellent app that tracks your calorie, fat, sodium and whatever else you can think of intake on a daily basis. With over 92,000 different types of food, including many restaurant items, it will most likely list whatever you eating, no matter where you are.
If you are currently on a diet, the app even has a calculator to help you track and calculate what you’ve eaten throughout the day to help you stay on target with whatever health goals you are trying to achieve.
This app even works if you don’t have an internet connection! All the data is stored right there on your iPhone for easy access.
So, no matter what your health and diet goals are, these top 4 iPhone apps for eating healthy are excellent resources to help you control your intake while on the go, whether it be for lunch or for vacation.

  • Restaurant Nutrition
  • Healthy iPhone Apps
  • Healthy Eating iPhone apps
  • Good Food Near You

Author Bio:
Joan Hanson is a pediatric nutritionist and guest author at Best BSN Programs, where she contributed the helpful guide to the Top 10Online BSN Programs.

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