Types of Eco-Houses

Since the knowledge of global warming has become so wide spread more and more people and businesses have been looking for ways that they can reduce their global footprint. Here are some ways you can do this.

Over 40% of the United Kingdom's carbon emissions come from construction and building and with the governments vow to build over three million more homes by 2020 - due to the housing shortage - it has become even more important to look for ways to reduce these emissions.
Eco Houses are a sustainable and cheap way of building and they are not all made of wood, there are many forms of material that can be used to build.

Timber Houses

These are extremely popular in places like America however they are making a big impact over here too. Traditionally only the frame was made from timber however it is becoming more popular to build the entire construction this way. In order to be able to do this the wood must be treated to a high standard and the buildings must also fit with all forms of regulations.
There are many advantages to this type of house, they are especially attractive and last a long time; timber is a natural material and is great to use for building. All of the carbon dioxide that has been absorbed by the wood throughout its life is locked inside and is therefore sealed into the building. Eco houses are a benefit not only to the environment but also to your pockets. Due to the fact of the homes being made of wood it mean that they are well insulated and hold their heat they also do not give off gases that can be harmful to humans - that other manmade buildings do.

Passive Houses

Now this is an odd but very efficient way of living. Developed in Germany around the 1980s, these homes cost pretty much nothing to run; when they are built they are made airtight with triple glazed windows. They cost nothing to heat because the heat is gained from the occupants and the use of anything electrical, all of this heat is then retained inside the house meaning that it is always warm.

Underground Houses

These are homes that are either completely or partly underground, this means that they absorb and hold any heat from the ground during the winter and are still cool in the summer. These houses don't have as many outside walls and they are therefore more robust and durable. The only downside to these homes is that they have to have much more damp proofing and better ventilation than all other houses.

Author Bio:
This blog post was written by Rachel Cross, for www.loghouse.ie., one of the most environmentally friendly places to buy a log house.

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