Electronics Events in Europe

How many electronics shows are you going to catch this year? How many do you know about?
Trade shows present opportunities to learn, strategize, and meet peers of the industry. Have you researched events taking place in the near future? What are you waiting for?

Check out the following industry events taking place in Europe:

The GSMA Mobile Money Summit -Milan, Italy -October 22-25. 
The GSMA is two days of exhibition and conferences, designed to develop dialogue upon the NFC and mobile-money ecosystem. The initial conference takes place on October 23, with additional meetings and workshops taking place throughout the entire week.

Electronica 2012 -Munich, Germany -November 13-16. 
Electronica is thought to be the largest electronics fair by some in the field. It's an opportunity to see the latest in technological developments as well as network with thought leaders of the vertical. Learn about components, pioneering hardware and software, electromobility, energy efficiency, and sustainability of processes and implements.

GSMA Mobile World Conference –Barcelona, Spain –February 25-28. 
The mobile world festival is targeted toward the general public, incorporating sporting events, music and art festivals, application and technology fairs, and more. More than 3,000 CEOs are expected to be in attendance.

UK Specific:

National Instruments –Multiple UK Locales –Sept 11-Oct 9. 
NI is holding shows, starting September 11. Labview Developer Days are free for engineers, scientists, and engineers interested in learning NI software to enhance present skills. Attend basic to advanced sessions, exploring elements of product skills, knowledge, and productivity.

IET Solar Storms Seminar –London –September 28. 
The conference invites the brightest minds studying solar storms in conjunction with the most pressing topics in the field. Panel discussion will focus upon bringing together business with scientists to intelligently prepare and build engineering systems.

High Speed Digital Tour –Cambridge (9/18) –Winnersh (9/20). 
The digital age poses unpredictable problems. How can project managers ensure best practices? The process starts with tools and methodologies leveraged. The seminar will focus on successfully navigating today's high-speed technology challenges, occurring from early design stages through the achievement of compliant designs. Agilent's high-speed solutions address gigabit digital designs, enforcing project integrity from angles of design and testing.

Apple PROExpo –London –October 11-12. 
Vendors, potential buyers, and industry experts will be attending the Apple Expo, focused on the industrial printing and publishing sector. Visitor profiles include Mac users, iPod users, iPhone users, tech experts and professionals, wholesalers, and retail dealers. Come learn the latest in Apple technology and meet professionals and peers.

GEM Forum London- London –November 13-14. 
This November 2012 forum provides attendants with opportunity to realize the latest information in mobile technology as it relates to business processes. Key points highlighted involve learning what CIOs and CTOs need before implementation; devising strategies for mobile incorporation; investigating case studies, where best practices are explored and deployed; and, discovering how to empower and implement a mobile workforce.

NIDays –Central London –November 20. 
This event is comprised by National Instruments, involving engineers, scientists, and educators. The event is free and takes place for one day. The multi-tracked event features keynote speakers as well as technology sessions. NI employees and industry cohorts are to showcase the latest in NI software, emerging hardware platforms, and processing technologies and applications.

The Gadget Show Christmas – London –November 30-Dec 2. 
The gadget show is geared toward gift givers and gadget lovers, featuring gifts, games, toys, software enthusiasts, photography enthusiasts, tech industry experts, and more. A good mixture of in-industry analysts and gadget purists will be present.

Author Bio:
Louisa Logan is an electrical engineer with a keen interest or specialism in LEDs. She has been to over 7 events in the last 4 years and has found that conferences, tradeshows and expos are a great place to meet similarly minded people and can open doors to business or new connections.

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