How to Track Your Brand Online

Your company has an online reputation whether you know it or not, and to ensure that your online reputation is working for your business instead of against it, you need to make sure that you’re tracking it.

Tracking your online reputation allows you to learn what others are saying about your business. Are your customers turning to online review sites to complain about poor customer service and awful products? Are they using their own social networks to talk about how they love your company? Knowing this information can help you keep your customers happy, give them what they want and alleviate any issues that arise before they turn into viral nightmares.
Tracking your brand online is not hard to do. You don’t need to scour the Internet on your own, and you don’t need to type your company name into Google just to see what shows up. There are tools out there that were created to help you easily track your brand, and the following are three of the best.

1. ChatMeter

ChatMeter is a monitoring tool that will scour websites, blogs, online review sites and social media sites in order to see what’s being said about your brand. They’ll also monitor your online reputation and provide you with insight as to how you can get better visibility and traffic. ChatMeter has an online dashboard that provides you with all of this information in easy-to-read graphs. They’ll email you every day to let you know if new information appears, and you can even send responses to online reviews directly from your dashboard.

2. Review Push

Review Push focuses on providing you with insight into online reviews about your business. They monitor all the popular online review sites on a daily basis and will notify you if new reviews about your business arise. Through the email notification, you’ll have the ability to respond to the review directly from your emails. Review Push can monitor any size business, so if you are a single franchise or if you have thousands of locations, they’ll be able to provide you with insight on them all.

3. Review Trackers

Review Trackers is another online review monitoring tool that can help you gain insight into your brand and easily monitor your online reputation. They monitor review sites every day and will inform you immediately if a new review is listed. They’ll provide you with reviews from every popular review site in one centralized location. You will receive notifications directly to your inbox, but you can also access your dashboard through your mobile device, so you can stay up to date no matter where you go.

If you want to track your brand online, you need to use one of these three tools to help you. They’re all easy to use and offer their own special perks. But most importantly, they can give you peace of mind knowing that your brand is constantly and professionally being monitored at all times. Monitoring your brand can help your business remain successful.

Author Bio:
Jacob Smith is a businessman and review tracking expert.  He often gives advice about review monitoring tactics and the importance of review alerts.

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