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How to Use Foursquare for Business

Though it’s not Facebook or Twitter, Foursquare is a popular social network that harnesses a great deal of benefits for businesses.
Most companies think of Foursquare solely as an app that can be used to let others know where you are through a “check in” feature, which is why most of them don’t think twice about using it for their business.
But Foursquare actually has a lot to offer companies—as long as they’re using it correctly. If you’re interested in using Foursquare for business, the following information will teach you how.

Claim your business.

First and foremost, if you want to use Foursquare for your business, you need to claim your company. This means that you need to get your company account set up.
Since any Foursquare user can list a business, it’s possible that your business can already be found. If so, you’ll need to create an account in order to access the business as an admin. If your business isn’t on Foursquare, you’ll need to create an account and add it.

Update your information.

Once you’ve successfully logged in, you’ll need to either add or update your company’s information. Make sure that you include your contact information as well as any other pertinent information that’s important for your customers to know. Having updated information can help you earn business.

Create a Foursquare special.

Foursquare allows your business to create a special, which is basically a fun name for a promotion. With their specials, you can provide deals on your products or services or give rewards to customers when they check in to your location. When you give your customers a reason to go to your business, they’ll be more inclined to do so.
A Foursquare special can be a discount off your products or services, a free item or a loyalty special. You can decide what type you want to implement, but every Foursquare user will be able to see it.

Monitor your customers.

Along with handing out incentives to your customers, Foursquare also allows you to monitor your customers’ activity. For instance, through Foursquare, you can see a list of the total amount of check ins you received for a specific date, the people who are your most frequent customers, the gender of the customers that visit your establishment, the people who visited most recently, who is also broadcasting their check-ins through Facebook and Twitter, and what time of day is the most popular for check ins.

When you have this information in your pocket, it allows you to tailor your marketing efforts accordingly, provide your customers with the best possible specials, and reward those customers who visit your business on a regular basis. And since this is all tied to an app that you’re using, you’ll know that this information is completely accurate.

If you want to reach your customers in an engaging and creative way, Foursquare is a great marketing tactic to use. This tool is extremely easy to use and provides you with numerous benefits and insight into your audience, and that’s the best kind of marketing tactic to use.

Author Bio:
Julie Myers is a marketing specialist.  Her goal is the help businesses create the most effective and successful marketing strategy for their company.  She recently wrote about keyword strategy and the benefits of Foursquare for business.

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