The new new iPhone 5... An iPhone 5 Rumour Round Up

Speculation surrounding Apple's next big break is always rife around this time of year.  As the countdown begins for Christmas, rumours circulate left, right and centre about what the next model is going to be able to do.  What will it weigh, what will it be made of, how long will the battery last?  Apple have a lot to live up to and if the rumours are based in even half a jot of truth, it looks like they're planning a blockbuster.

Size and Shape

There are always grainy images making their way around the internet concerning what the new iPhone will look like.  Many of them are just enlarged or decreased through questionable editing, but there's no way for us to know whether they're real or not because Apple refuse to comment.  We hear that the next iPhone will be of a completely new design, akin to the 3GS's evolution into the 4,rather than the intra-model upgrades.  We're seeing a lot of rival smart phones going bigger with their screens, and Apple are currently one of the smallest models sitting at a 3.5in.  There are a lot of rumours that Apple will take a brave step in manufacturing a 5 inch screen model, but there are fears this would alienate previous models. 
The casing will also have to be changed to satisfy the user's lust for innovation.  Scratch-proof and finger print-proof materials have allegedly been employed since the beginning of Apple's foray into telecommunications but existing iPhones are definitely neither.  The California based company are said to be experimenting with military and aerospace grade glass types to achieve this.


It's such a simple and seemingly inconsequential detail but there is a frenzy about what the next model will be called.  So far we've seen the original iPhone be upgraded to the 3G and the 3GS.  Then the 4 came along with a recent upgrade to the 4S.  Logically speaking, with a new aesthetic design we'll be expecting the name to be released as the 'iPhone 5.'  But since the new iPad was concisely named 'the new iPad,' there are fears will go down the same marketing alley and not sate the appetites of all of us wanting an identifiable name. 


The aforementioned iPad is currently one of the only devices to be making use of 4G LTE technology.  It would seem odd and more than a little counter-intuitive for Apple to shun integrating these capabilities into the new iPhone.  But, we all know that one of the biggest downfalls of the iPhone is the battery life.  The increased bandwidth and download speed of an LTE device will surely please crowds, but what will they think when they see their daily charges becoming bi-daily, or tri-daily?  With most countries using different frequencies for LTE, will Apple see the production of different modems as a cost-effective exercise?


Smartphones are rapidly catching up to Tablets in terms of their hardware capabilities, and for a company leading the way in both fields; there's nothing to say that Apple won't stuff their newest phone with the latest tech.  Recent reports are staggering in their predictions, noting that the iPhone is more likely than not going to feature a quad-core processor and 1GB of RAM.  This would make the phone significantly more powerful than some netbooks and older laptops on the market today.  Much like in automotives, putting a huge engine in a car doesn't make it perform better.  In vehicles, you need to be able to get the power to the road.  With the iPhone, the problem will be running the hardware from a battery without overloading or simply draining it constantly.


 The iPhone 5, or the New iPhone, we don't know what it's called yet but it's surely going to hit the shelves harder than any of its predecessors.  It's difficult to see truth through the amount of rumours abounding, but it's awfully fun to watch...

Author Bio:
This article was written by the tech team at the Berkeley (a luxury hotel in Knightsbridge) who are certainly excited to see what is next in store for Apple's flagship smartphone!

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