7 Rules Every Small Business Must Follow to Achieve Success

Many small businesses fail within the first three years. This can be devastating to the business owner, but you must remember that many small business owners weren't properly prepared. You can ensure your success with just a few simple tips. The following are just seven rules small business must follow to achieve success.

7 Rules Every Small Business Must Follow to Achieve Success

Discover Your Target Market

A target market is essential for any business. While it would be wonderful to attract everyone, that isn't possible. The sooner you realize this, the easier it will be to market your business to customers. Consider your service or product and who would most benefit from it.

Be Unique

Consider the other businesses in your field. Now think about how you could be different. For example, if you open a pizza restaurant, how could you be different from other pizza restaurants in the area? Will you offer entertainment or would you create a business that appealed to college students rather than kids?

Go Above and Beyond

It's not enough to meet customer expectations. As a small business you want to go above and beyond. For example, if you're running a restaurant, make the portions bigger than expected. If you offer a service, get the job done faster than promised.

Be Consistent

While you may think it would be a good idea to favor some customers, it can come back to haunt you. When other customers find out that they're not getting the same treatment, they will warn everyone. Be consistent and make sure your employees are being consistent as well.

Connect with Customers

Connecting with your customers can help boost sales. People are more apt to buy from friendly businesses than those that seem indifferent. A good smile and attitude can help those that are on the fence move forward with the purchase.

Have a Positive Attitude

Speaking of attitude, you need to be positive. When you run a small business you should always look at the glass as being half-full. Remember that your attitude can make or break the business. If you think you'll fail, you will.

Be Adventurous

Last, but not least, don't be afraid to try new things. It might be a new marketing method or a way of making your product. Regardless, always try new things. You never know if something will work unless you try.
Small businesses don't have to fail. With a bit of work, you can make your business successful. Whether it's your attitude or your ability to try new things, you can help ensure your business is around for years to come.

About the Author: 
Lucilla Faubion is a small business consultant who works with small business owners from start to finish. 

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