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Google's Tips for Your Mobile Website

When creating a website, you optimize it to become search-engine friendly. Now that mobile websites are gaining popularity, entrepreneurs are also building mobile-friendly websites. If you are doing just that, read these tips from Google to make your website better equipped. 

TechNews24h Mobile website


How long your website loads on a mobile device such as a smartphone or a tablet is crucial to the success of your mobile campaign. 3 seconds is your target time. Five seconds is already considered slow. People who use their phones to browse the Internet are usually people on the go so they don’t have time to spend waiting for your website to load.
These people also probably use the free Wi-Fi in the areas that they go to so that’s another consideration. The connection might be slow so you might want to take it easy on the images. Avoid videos and sounds as much as possible as these add to the loading time. Some devices also don’t support Flash so avoid that as well.


Your website will be viewed on a device with a much smaller screen than a PC or laptop so you have to compensate for the size. Make sure that your links are prominent and easy to tap/click on. Your buttons should also be larger so that they can easily be spotted.
Limit your scrolling. If you can say everything that you have to say on one 3 or 4-inch screen without the user having to scroll down or to the left or right, do that.
Make sure your text is big enough to be read. Avoid pinching (zooming in or out) as this can be frustrating to a lot of users.

Important Stuff

Make sure that the customer has access to the information that he or she needs in order to avail of your product or service. Put your address and a map for directions, your phone numbers, your email address and a link to your main website. Don’t forget to give directions on how to order up front.

In a survey conducted for Google, 67% of over 1,000 smartphone users said they were more likely to purchase from a mobile-friendly site. 61% said that they would most likely leave a website that is not optimized. 52% said a bad mobile experience will make them less likely to engage with a company.

If you care about your business and your customers, be sure that your website is optimized for mobile use. You can also gain new customers through this new channel. Just be sure to keep up with the developments in mobile commerce.

Author Bio:This article was brought to you by Visit the site if you are looking to compare business telephone systems.

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