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Shocking Statistics About Mobile Subscribers in 2012

With more and more people using mobile phones and devices, there are a lot of interesting, even shocking, facts associated with this usage. You'd be surprised at what some people do and don't do with their phones—unless you do them too, of course. In fact, after seeing some of these intriguing facts, you just might recognize your own behavior.

It's Generation Mobile

What was Discussed?

Image viaFlickr by Carol VanHook

The Age of Aquarius passed us by some time ago; now it's the age of the cell phone. Generations X and Y have definitely seen to that, since they use mobile devices the most. In the United States, 52% of all smart phone users are between the ages of 18 and 29. That's likely because these generations grew up online. They came of age at the same time as the Internet and thus moved on seamlessly to mobile phones, tablets, netbooks, and similar devices.
The trend of tech savvy 18-29 year-olds will no doubt continue, but since Generations X and Y are also getting older, so will the demographics. In the coming decades, the statistical data of cell phone users as it relates to age will certainly continue to climb, as the current generations continue using their devices.

Everyone You Know Owns a Mobile Phone

What did these people do before there were cell phones?

Image via Flickr by Ed Yourdon

All right, that's a slight exaggeration. However, statistics show that one out of every three adults owns not just a cell phone, but a smart phone. Think about the scope of that: every third person you pass on the street owns an HTC 8X cell phone, a tablet, or some other device. People stay connected through their phones and more people buy them every day.
In time, even within the next few years, two-thirds of the adult population in the United States will probably own a cell phone. Phones and plans are much more affordable. The logical conclusion points toward the certainty that a greater number of people will ultimately own smart phones in the coming years.

Busy Browsers Are Growing

HTC Dream Android phone

Image via Flickr by Kenn Wilson

According to the data, computers and laptops may soon become totally obsolete. Although it's hard to believe, the facts are there in black and white: in the United States alone, 58% of smart phone owners use their phones to browse the Internet. They're searching more, and they're searching for everything:
- Restaurants
- Movie times
- Product reviews
- Miscellaneous information

These facts make a lot of sense. Reaching for your phone to discover a restaurant's hours or the name of the actress who played in that funny movie is easier than booting up your computer. Given that fact, and the amount of increasingly affordable plans available, that number is sure to increase over time.

Sharing Is Caring

Mobile in full force at OpenCamp

Image via Flickr by jenniferconley

It's no surprise that social media rules the world. Whether they're on Facebook, Twitter, Tumblr, Google+, or Pinterest, smart phone owners rely on their mobile devices. They also use them for messaging: text messages, FB messages, and instant messages. In the United States, 53% of smart phone users share music, while 64% share games and use social media, and 67% use apps for similar endeavors. With so many apps available and the biggest social media moguls making their sites very mobile-friendly, those numbers can only go up from here.
In time, many of these numbers may well reach 100%, or at least get close to that. People love their mobile devices, they take them everywhere, and they're essential—aren't yours?

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