The History Of Printers

Printing press goes back as far as 1440 and was invented by the Holy Roman Empire. Guttenberg was a goldsmith based in Germany and he developed and adapted existing technologies so that replication could be made possible. He devised a hand mould that would enable him to produce a replication of a single image in mass production.

The History Of Printers

This phenomenon grew and by the 1500 printing had spread to Western Europe where over 200 million volumes had been produced. The press industry grew rapidly and it was adopted worldwide. In particular the media industry specifically absorbed this into their industry.
Printing allowed for unrestricted circulation of information, which could be exchanged between borders and could capture all audiences. Printing was one of the reasons why people chose to become more literature and education grew.

The demand for printing was exceeding the capabilities of individuals doing it by themselves so as of the 19th century printing was now done on an industrial scale. Printing became the sole medium for the western world and was incorporated into different forms of production.
In the 1400’s, China and Egypt used small stamps to seal blocks that were printed and distributed domestically. Europe, China and India printed cloth for designs and garments as well as on paper or papyrus. In China specifically, when they started printing on cloth it was for religious purposes, which could be quite elaborate. Printing on cloth was a lot harder than printing on paper so when paper came about it was a lot easier to distribute the information.
Once paper was introduced into printing religious images were printed onto card so that people could have them in their house. 

In the 17th century Europe started to print on silk
 and this was used for high-end premium garments that would be exported around the world.
It was from here that printing grew along with advancements in technology. There were several advancements that allowed for printing to grow so rapidly and one of the main reasons was the media and the need for books and literature.

In the UK the first newspaper that was in circulation was the Morning Herald, which sold approximately (1) 4000 copies daily. This was when the newspaper became popular. As a result, Sunday papers became one of the top selling newspaper in circulation and approximately 300,000 were sold weekly.

Since then printing has evolved so that it is widely available in homes and businesses. Businesses specifically have been able to become more productive by being able to print themselves. Printing itself has become a service in its own right and an industry where individuals and businesses turn to- especially large corporations.
There are many types of printing that is now widely available such as double sided print, banners, brochures and adhesive labels to name a few.

Companies such as hpplotter are able to provide high quality printers that can be used in the home. Printers have a range of functions for the home- some even have built-in scanners and a Bluetooth capability so that pictures can be directly sent to your printer. This enables people to do everything in one place- making it convenient for everyone.

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