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5 Fantastic Business Apps for Your iPhone

There are so many great iPhone apps to choose from, but as a business owner, there are some apps you can't live without. These apps make it easier to brainstorm great ideas, fax documents, and even control your desktop computer from your phone. The following are just five fantastic business apps for your iPhone.

Dragon Dictation - FREE

Want to make notes or type documents without the actual typing? Then download Dragon Dictation. The app allows you to create documents, texts, and more simply by speaking into your smartphone. It's a lot like the Dragon software for computers, but scaled down to make it more useful for iPhone users.

iFax - FREE

Want to send faxes from your iPhone? Then you need to download iFax. The app will allow you to fax send and receive faxes for free. The best part is that you can fax documents that are already on your phone or take photos of documents that you want to fax. This app is a must for any business owner.

Evernote - FREE

Sometimes the best ideas hit you at the most inconvenient times. With Evernote you can record your voice, take photos of ideas, collect internet bookmarks, and more. Everything you collect can be organized by project or idea. It's a great app for those that run freelance writing businesses or work as authors.

LogMeIn - FREE

Wouldn't it be nice to access everything that was on your desktop from your phone? With LogMeIn, you can. You can run applications that are on your computer, edit and save documents, and use your computer as if you were sitting right in front of it. This is a must for those that work from home, but want to go work in the park or for businessman who travel on a regular basis.

Documents to Go Premium Office Suite - $16.99

While this app is pretty expensive, as far as apps go, it's a necessity for most business owners. By being able to work on Word, Excel, and PDF documents, this app turns your iPhone into a document powerhouse. You can even access documents through cloud storage on Google Docs, Dropbox,, and SugarSync.

The iPhone is more than just a smartphone. With the right apps you can turn your iPhone into a portable office that allows you to do everything you do on your computer. This allows you to work from anywhere without worry. Of course, these apps are just a starting point. You can find an app to handle most of your business needs.

Author Bio:
Fidel Russak uses his iphone to keep track of business phone numbers, communicate via VoIP, and send emails to her client. If you see him out and about, he probably has his cell phone with him.