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Creative Jobs in IT

The complex world of information technology is a fertile breeding ground for creativity. Whether the work involves hardware development or software apps, technical glitches and system crashes are common occurrences. These setbacks stall projects. Cross-functional teams are expected to explore various approaches to address the issues. Tech companies require their workforce to wear both analytical and imaginative thinking caps to produce innovative solutions.

Artificial Intelligence Inventors

Extremely talented people work behind the scenes in tech research and development to create artificial intelligence. This is used in applications such as robotics and software with voice-recognition functionality. A cool example of a voice-activated app is Siri, the cyber Girl Friday of iPhone users. Acting as a virtual personal assistant, Siri responds to a user’s questions, schedules appointments, offers recommendations, and performs a host of web-interface tasks. This digital gal’s artificial intelligence allows it to learn more about an individual user’s preferences and customise her services accordingly.

Computer Animators for Movies

Animated films make use of digital enhancements and computer-generated technology. In the pre-production phase, storyboard artists and cartoonists may create prototypes of a movie’s characters and sketches of various sceneries. Sculptors produce three-dimensional models of the cast of characters, which are then scanned digitally. Computer animators breathe life into the characters frame by frame. On the screen, cartoon characters are transformed into virtual living beings doing their acts, delivering punch lines, and displaying a full range of emotions. The creative collaboration's outcome is a visually delightful movie with amazing animation and digital effects.

Social Website Creation Teams

Some tech companies provide the platform and design studio to build and launch online social networks for clients. Online tools are provided for clients to create their own social sites customised to their corporate brand and image. A diverse range of templates and features are made available to produce the right look and feel for a particular industry or niche. If clients prefer, the tech company’s in-house experts can custom-build a social site and its entire configuration according to the client’s requirements. To create the seamless functionality, a whole lot of tweaking and testing goes on at the backend technology. Software engineers, developers, testers and other tech specialists work together not only in the web development and design process, but throughout a project’s life cycle.

Social Media Managers

Social media managers are hip, tech-savvy, articulate online marketers. Their primary responsibilities are to build up a company’s online presence and promote its products and services across various social media platforms. It’s not enough to create buzz, engage followers and fans in social conversation, and respond to comments or queries in real time. Social media managers’ marketing efforts must be strategically aligned with corporate goals to meet target revenues. As the go-between, they have to be in constant touch with the company and its customers to keep both camps happy. It’s a public relations feat that demands resourcefulness, flexibility and diplomacy.

Successful enterprises are famous for providing a corporate culture and setting that actively encourage the exercise of creativity to the hilt. Some companies allow time during the workday for employees to engage in imaginative play and creative pursuits. The results have paid off handsomely.This post was written in collaboration with Modis, helping you find jobs in IT.