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Smartphone Innovations in 2012

Once upon a time in the not so very distant past, mobile phones were only for business people and yuppies. It didn’t take long before the technology became affordable to everyone and having a mobile phone became a necessity rather than a privilege.
These days even children in the west have their own phones before they leave primary school. Now smartphones have upped the game once again. People expect to be able to use their phones not just for making calls and sending messages but for staying connected to the internet at all times. Smartphones make it possible to do everything you can do from a home computer from wherever you happen to be.
In 2012 new technologies emerged and made smart devices faster, easier to use and more connected than ever before.

New Devices

All the market leaders in smartphones have released their version of the new generation in 2012. Apple recently brought out the iPhone 5, Samsung brought their new Galaxy Note 2 out, LG had the Optimus Vu 2 to offer, Nokia created the Phi Windows Phone 8 and HTC introduced the Phablet.
These all offered what has been billed as 4G technology, the fourth generation of mobile device innovation. From 4G technology the consumer can expect mobile ultra-broadband internet access as standard, with a higher rate of connectivity and a faster service than ever before. The new smartphones are very similar to having a computer in your pocket. They allow instant, constant access to social networking sites, shopping facilities, research, data and anything else you may require.


The beauty of apps is that they allow anyone to upgrade or alter the specifications of their smartphones at any time. Consumers are no longer having to commit to a finite range of services when they sign for their two-year contract, but can download apps to suit their own specifications at any point in time, often for free. The most popular apps of 2012 fell mainly into two categories – those which help out with business and everyday life, and those which are purely for entertainment.
The best educational apps allow parents, teachers and carers to teach children with mental disabilities to improve their social skills and provide opportunities to learn at a similar rate to their peers. Other apps are simply mobile versions of popular games such as Rayman and Angry Birds, while others still are designed to help us be more organised. We now live in an age where there is an app for almost anything you can possibly imagine. A smartphone is a tool we can utilise to make our lives better, easier or simply more fun.

Content provided on behalf of IAskU - developers of a PECS app - designed by a team of psychologists & language therapists to support children with Autistic Spectrum Disorder (ASD) communicate more purposefully.