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Top 3 Human Resources Blogs to Watch in 2013

The best human resource blogs to watch in 2013 are those that are insightful, entertaining and informative. Reading posts created by actual human resource specialists with real world experience is an ideal way to increase your understanding of the critical role you play within organizations. You'll find the well-researched information useful and end up looking like a genius when applying the insights gained from regularly reading upward-bound blogs that are well worth the time.

Start reading the Evil HR Lady, the HR Times blog and the The HR Capitalist blog. These are the top human resource blogs to watch in 2013 for inspiration and solutions to common HR challenges. You'll find creative ways to handle issues such as complaints, outsourcing problems and ethics violations. Each blog has its own unique and engaging personality that's bound to get stronger this upcoming year.

Evil HR Lady

Visit the Evil HR Lady blog when you're in the mood for a "Dear Abby" approach to gathering new insights. The casual yet informative site is hosted by Suzanne Lucas, an HR guru who builds her regular posts around the notion that HR people are indeed evil. It's an entertaining site filled with sarcastic posts and comments along with pointblank answers to conventional and unconventional questions. You'll find useful information such as what you're employees expect for Christmas and how to deal with paranoia or ethical violation terminations. The Evil HR Lady blog also demystifies human resources departments and explains why you're bonuses are small, even though you know you work your tail off. Most posts are brief, easy to read and packed with factual information. You'll pick up critical industry statistics while being entertained as you follow this blog. Don't forget to subscribe to the Evil HR Lady newsletter.

HR Times

Read Deloitte's HR Times Blog to stay up to speed on important HR matters. You'll pick up insights on crisis leadership and how to better collaborate. Breaking HR news on events and issues that impact the human resource departments are frequently featured on the blog. Plug in your headphones and listen to the blog's video recordings of special events such as Workday Rising as well as reports on useful technological advances that you can deploy to increase your department's efficiency. Blog contributors include professional HR insiders such as Robin Erickson, John Malikowski, Dan McHugh and Margie Painter. Only a few posts a month appear on this blog each month so it's easy to keep up with the HR Times Blog by subscribing to its RSS feed. You can also subscribe via email.

The HR Capitalist

Watch The HR Capitalist blog if you're interested in an ongoing stream of information related to human resources. Kris Dunn, the site's owner and Chief Human Resources Officer for Kinetix, has a high posting frequency. Dunn typically adds several posts to his blog each week, which is perhaps why it's a featured blog on the Workforce Management site. The posts on his site reflect his interest in the intersection of HR practice, technology, recruiting, performance management and results. HR generalists such as directors and managers can gain detailed insight on relevant subjects as well. Read Dunn's observations on compensation packages, benefits, retention, legal affairs, employee relations, helpful books and employment culture. You can even discover the top 100 HR movie quotes at The HR Capitalist blog. The blog's FeedBurner feature makes subscribing a breeze.

Author Bio:
Monica Pickney is a HR manager and guest author at Human Resources MBA, where she co-authored the guide to the Top 10 Best HRMBA Programs.