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4 Ways College Students Can Handle Financial Emergencies

College is expensive, especially for students that want to live on campus. Plus, college is a new
experience for many students in that they have to handle their own money. So, it’s not surprising
that many college students find themselves in financial emergencies from time to time. Take a
look at these four ways to handle your financial problems in a hurry.

Ask to Borrow Money from Family

Image via Flickr by elycefeliz

The first place you should try to get emergency money is from family members. This might be
a parent, grandparent, or any other relative that you know well. Your family knows that college
costs a lot of money and most will help if they have the means to do so. So, suck up your pride
and let your family know you’re in need. Plus, you can pay them back one day when you land
a high paying job because of your college degree. If you do get a family member to make a
donation to your college expenses, make sure they know it might be tax-deductible.

Apply for Emergency Financial Aid

Image via Flickr by Christopher S. Penn

Of course, if you’re like most people, you don’t come from a family that can help you out with
college financially. That’s why colleges have a financial aid department. When you find yourself
in a bind, you can visit the financial aid office and apply for an emergency loan. Most colleges
have these programs and they can help you with either long-term or short-term loans.

When you apply for any type of loan through your school, you have to fill out a FAFSA and
maintain a minimum GPA to qualify. So, if your grades are lacking, you might have to look
elsewhere to solve your financial emergency.

Take Out a Payday Loan

Image via Flickr by swanksalot

If you truly have a financial emergency, you can turn to a payday loan company. They let you
borrow money to hold you over until your next paycheck. It’s easy to qualify and you can get
money fast. For instance, you can go to a website like, and
apply for a loan quickly and simply. You just have to give them your information and poof of
your income. You’ll have cash in no time at all.

Get Your First Credit Card

Image via Flickr by liewcf

Another place you can turn is to a credit card. Most people will advise you to avoid owning a
credit card for as long as possible. However, college is a great time to get your first one. It will
help you take care of financial emergencies, as long as you use it responsibly. Of course, you’ll
want to pay the money back as soon as possible to avoid getting a lot of interest tacked on to
your loan.

Do you have any other ideas for overcoming financial emergencies In college? What have you
done yourself?