Three Tech Trends to Expect for Business in 2013

You want to find diverse ways to grow your business in the new year.  Due in part to an increasing sophistication of tablets, improvements in business VoIP options, and the availability of lower cost 3-D printers for small businesses, 2013 appears to be a year that will push business forward into a golden age of communication.

The Growth of Tablet Computers 

As we move toward a new paradigm in technological advancement, it's hard to tell anymore where a tablet stops and a PC begins. Coming in 2013, Microsoft's Surface tablet purports to be a mix of tablet and a personal computer: light, durable, and truly functional.

For business professionals on the go, Adobe Photoshop, Microsoft Office, VMware Workstation, PowerPoint, and many other important programs will be at your fingertips. With access to applications for travel, entertainment, and business, as well as a plethora of options when it comes to portability, functionality, and ease of use, the Surface may be one of the top business tech trends to watch for in 2013.

3-D Printing

3-D printers may seem straight out of a sci-fi film; but, according to John Brandon, over at, they are not only real, but soon-to-be a popular addition to many businesses. In large part due to a drop in price from around $20,000 to $3,000, businesses can create a plastic part in a home office or small business environment. For example, companies can now produce items such as a small bicycle part or an iPhone case from the printer.

What's great about this potential boom is that it will assist companies of any size. Your company can now afford a technological breakthrough which may streamline production and simplify creation of your products. Happy New Year indeed!

VoIP and Business Communications

Voice over Internet Protocol (VoIP) offers users the ability to transmit their voices over a data network already in place in office, without the need for old school phone hardware. Business VoIP offers the ability to take your calls wherever you are, in the office at home or even on your mobile device. VoIP also has a significant cost advantage when compared to other options
In the 2013 term, UberConference will offer a business VoIP based option for improving conference calls which can be used through a web browser or iOS application. A way for audio calls to be updated with a visual interface, it offers you the ability to check out who's on the call, mute specific callers, and provides a fantastically detailed list of all the attending callers.

Author Bio:
Eric Regan is a part of a writing team that has been published on many different sites and blogs on a variety of different interests and industries.

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