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Video conferencing – how does it work?

Communication is the key to success for any business, irrespective of size, location or industry. Any company who builds a good relationship with its clients, investors and the general public do so because they have the best possible tools at their disposal for communicating with them such as those from

Video conferencing is perhaps the best thing any company could use to talk to clients worldwide, and it can help to save time and money too. You may wonder how Conference Calling at works and whether it’s right for your business. Here’s an explanation:

As good as face-to-face

Video Conferencing is basically a video call made using a computer, laptop, tablet or smartphone. With the help of a video camera or webcam, microphone, speakers, video conferencing software and a reliable internet connection, you can start a video conference call with anyone else in the world that has the same equipment.

Once you have everything needed to get you started, you can communicate in real-time with the person or people on the other end of the line visually as well as verbally. It’s as good as face-to-face communication, but doesn’t involve huge amounts of travel, which can take time and money that your business could spend better elsewhere.

Two or more?

One of the best things about video conferencing is that it enables many different people in different locations to take part in the same conversation online. If it’s a one-on-one meeting you want to start, it’s known as point-to-point video conferencing, whereas multi-point conferencing is the option for those who want three or more people in on a video conference call.

Multi-point video conferencing is possible, but it requires greater bandwidth to run smoothly. It’s possible to either centralise or decentralise data. The former makes it a little easier, while the latter can give you better pictures and sound, but will require more bandwidth from all parties.

Now that you know how video conferencing works, you’ll soon realise that it can lower your company’s running costs and save time, not to mention boost productivity among your workforce. Once you make your first video conference call, you’ll soon wonder how you ever coped without it.