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5 Tips To Boost Sales In 2013

As famous motivational leader Bob Hooey once said, “If you are not taking care of your customer, your competitor will”. With the online competition tougher than ever, it’s time to reconsider your sales tactics to give your ecommerce business a boost in 2013.
Here’s a little food for thought prepared by email marketers from for you to get a handle on effective ecommerce strategies.

1.  Integrate email, social and ecommerce
A successful ecommerce campaign is based on email and social integration. Try to drive Facebook engagement when launching a new ecommerce campaign so that the news about your specific product or service goes viral. Organise Facebook competitions offering prizes and discounts for followers who share your post and get most “likes” and send emails to increase participation rates. You can also offer your Facebook and Twitter followers exclusive sale codes and content.

2. Provide exclusive offers
To drive conversions and boost sales, entice your customers with time-sensitive offers. Send initial offer announcement emails and try to get customers on the hook with quick deadlines. Remind customers about the offer using follow-up emails later. Reward dedicated customers for their loyalty with exclusive offers, be it discounts, free shipping, or limited edition products.

3. Make purchasing easy
A smooth shopping experience is key to increasing sales rates so ensure it’s easy to make a purchase using your email. Experts state it’s imperative to avoid landing customers on your home page when offering products and services via email. Getting too specific is no good either as not many customers are likely to buy a specific product so try to promote a variety of items in your email.

4. Target properly
To maximise open and sales rates, send relevant emails to your targeted audience. Take into account the subscriber’s last views, last purchases, and frequent purchases. After generating a purchase, use up-sell and cross-sell offers to increase the order value.

5. Invest in the future purchases
Don’t let your buyers go without a thank-you email featuring discounts and free shipping offers on the future purchases. A smooth shopping experience is likely to result in repeat purchases if you develop clever follow-up marketing tactics.

According to Steven Osinski, sales expert at San Diego State University, “you can have the greatest product and service on the market, but without sales strategies, you’ll never get it off the ground”. Use the tips mentioned above to boost sales rates in 2013.