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Add PR And SEO To Your Business Plan In 2013

Public relations and Search engine optimisation have more in common than you think. One of those things in common is that most businesses cannot succeed without them. For those of you a little unclear, PR is the maintenance of public relationships and SEO is the practice of getting your website ranking on search engines. So with that in mind, how many of you have a business that would survive without a good relationship with the public and internet custom?

Why PR and SEO?
I’m sure there are many business owners have looked into adding these services, but were a little unsure of what difference they would really make.
Public relations ensures your reputation is maintained, your company name is getting out there, and your relationship with clients and the public is good.
Search engine optimisation works to get your company at the top of Google for specifically chosen key words to ensure your company is being found online by those looking for your products or services.
These two industries intertwine with one another. Using public relations alone is not as effective if nobody is finding your business online anyway. If you use SEO alone and your reputation isn’t being maintained, anyone who has heard bad things about your company isn’t going to choose to use you no matter where you are on Google.

What Can PR And SEO Do For Your Business?
Investing in both these services means over time you should experience increased business. Huge amounts of business is now generated online and a huge portion of this is through search engines. Studies show that 90% of people searching on Google do not click past the first page and most of these people will only click on the top three search results. SEO works to get you in the top three.
It is true that if you have heard of a brand name (and good things about that brand) you are more likely to use their services or buy their product. Using PR means your brand name will slowly become recognisable; it will get your name known and known for good things. This means slowly teamed with SEO you will start to see an increase in people choosing your brand over others.

What Are The Options?
Rather than taking on full time employees to manage your PR and SEO a more popular choice is to outsource this work. There are SEO and PR agencies that specialise in specific industries so you know your company is in good hands. From 
Tech PR to Fashion SEO, there is an agency out there that is right for your company, and some may offer both services so as to work together on your PR and SEO.

Author Bio:
Eilidh MacRae works for Eclat, a tech pr agency. She strongly belives in the results from PR and SEO for businesses.