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Best Tips to Save Gadget’s Battery Life

Our gadgets - be it our mobile phones, laptops, tablets or iPods easily become a mainstay in our everyday life. It should come in handy and ready to use for relaxation, research, communication or for whatever purpose it may serve us. It is therefore important that its batteries are full and not in any way depleted when we need it most. 

Here are tips to save your gadget’s battery life:

1. For almost all gadgets, it is definitely discouraged to have it over charged. Gadgets come with indicators when the battery is already full and therefore it should be unplugged. Leaving it plugged in when already fully charged can definitely shorten your battery life. There will come a time when it will no longer serve the length of time it is expected to be working due to overcharging. Overcharging is one example of gadget abuse.

2. Particularly for iPhones, there are features and functions that are not really important to you. Identify these and turn them off when you are not using them. Simply go to settings and click off the unused features and they will no longer be consuming your battery’s power. Examples would be location services usually for tracking, auto time zone when travelling internationally, automatic push and fetch. Wi-Fi and Bluetooth must not be turned on at all times. Just turn them on as needed.

3. Adjust the brightness of your gadget to moderate. Most devices like the iPhones - are really made to be bright but you can always make adjustments besides too bright screens can be glaring to your eyes. Adjusting your equipment to moderate brightness can make you save your battery as well as protect your eyes from too much strain. Same goes for laptops and gadgets.

4. For mobile phones, don’t use live wallpaper as this really consumes battery life. If possible, put your phone on silent mode, lower the volume, lower the vibration intensity and turn off key tones. Study all the features of your mobile phone and identify those that you don’t really need. Change the settings to off for those ones that are not needed but when you do, you can always turn them on.

5. Especially for laptops, defrag regularly. You can also minimize on programs running on your background and minimize external devices. Add more RAM to allow processing more files or heavy data quickly using the memory of your laptop. Hibernating instead of putting your device on standby saves more power. Exercise your battery by using your device regularly.  Leaving it dormant for quite some time can deteriorate its power. Battery contacts should be kept clean as the basic maintenance care. Run off a hard drive instead of CD/DVD so as not to give a hard time for the processor of your system. Most importantly, use an efficient laptop rather than hand-held gadgets for computer works - as it usually functions faster and you can get things done faster too.

Having read all the above tips, it is not really expected that you do everything at once. Some brands of gadgets have superior battery life and can last about 12 to 14 hours. A perfect example would be the Samsung Galaxy S3. Note however that many batteries for mobile phones only have 6 to 8 hours battery life span or less. It is therefore beneficial to apply all the battery saving tips you’ve learned - to make the most of your gadget when electricity source is not available. If the low battery level indication always suffices – even at the slightest use, it’s time to change your battery to a new one!

About the Author:
Taylor Miller is a freelance writer for technology awareness via online settings. She is the author of the site: Android Spy Software where you can get more valuable information about spyware for cell phones.