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The Importance of Online Reputation Management

What happens when someone types your company's name in Google, or any other search engine, and finds a string of negative and answered questions? Normally, they would find an alternative, probably your competitor, and hire them. Their reaction, however, would be completely different if upon searching your brand name in Google, they saw your website, and a couple of review sites below.

Online business reputation is an important asset. If the reputation is tarnished, you will lose lots of clients and sales. In fact, you might file for insolvency, and risk losing more money in lawsuits.

Online marketing strategies are currently being practiced by numerous firms. Such firms are doing so in the hope of protecting their reputation. This is no breaking news, but a company will have to deal with negative bloggers, bad intentions from their competitors, among others. According to a recent survey from the Society of New Communications Research, 74 per cent of consumers depend on feedback from past clients that has been posted online. In fact, most firms find out the hard way, what clients think of their products or services.

Defamatory content can easily find its way to the first pages of search engines. Yes, it does not matter whether the firm in question is a Fortune 500, or a sole proprietorship. A lie, therefore, perpetrated by a competitor can quickly ruin the reputation of any firm. Depending on the capital size of a business, advertised defamation can cause huge financial losses, probably, running into millions of pounds.

Do I have your full attention now? Well, I hope so. Defence to defamation is, therefore, very crucial. The good news is that there are experts who can do the hard work for you. Netnames is just one of these firms. Let's face it, it is extremely hard to satisfy the demand of your clients, while at the same time, optimising content to get a better online reputation.

Online reputation management firms utilise a number of ways to create a good reputation for your firm. The goal is to constantly create fresh content, positive to your business, to drive all the negatives out of the first page of search engine results. The reputation management firms make use of numerous SEO strategies such as link building. Their goal is to ensure that all the good things are slotted in the first page of search engine results. Do not be mistaken, a lot has to go into such work. This, therefore, means that you should let an expert handle that for you.

So, what is it going to be? Are you willing to ensure your firm "puts its best face forward? Make sure you select the right company when it comes to online reputation management.