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Apple vs. Microsoft: Which Software is better for the Office?

Deciding what type of computers to use in your office can be tough. From high-tech modern features to usability and design, picking between a Mac and a PC is a tough decision that no technology guru really wants to make.

While the choice between a Mac and a PC may seem like a fashion statement to most people, it’s a decision that can be quite important for some businesses. Based on the industry that you operate in and your goals, there are several reasons to invest in an all-Mac, or all-PC workplace.

Apple is king…isn’t it?

First, let’s look at Apple’s range of computers. Fashionably-designed and built from the ground up for a user-friendly experience, Apple’s wide range of notebooks and desktops seem to be built with simplicity as their ultimate goal.

It’s true – even renowned entrepreneur Jason Calacanis suggests that web-based businesses invest in Macs, as it lowers their IT costs. Whether it’s proven in a real-life situation or not is debatable, but the fact appears to be that Macs can save your employees time.

Another point in Apple’s favour is the fantastic range of office suites available for Mac OS X. While Apple’s own workplace suite – made up of Numbers, Pages, and Keynote – doesn’t quite match up to Microsoft Office, it’s a step in the right direction.

But Microsoft offers much more…

There are, however, some disadvantages to using Macs in the office. The first is cost – Apple’s hardware is priced at a premium, which could annoy some users. The other is upgradability. While most Macs have great hardware, they’re not easy to upgrade.

PCs, almost all of which run on Microsoft’s Windows operating system, have a range of factors in their favour. The first is the cost: no matter how you try to spin it, PCs are almost always significantly cheaper pound-for-pound than their Apple counterparts.

Then there’s the range of applications. While Mac owners can enjoy Apple’s fantastic in-house apps, PC users can make use of a huge range of third-party applications for Windows that go above and beyond anything available on an Apple device.

Finally, there’s the flexibility. Upgrading a PC is typically a thirty-minute affair that involves buying new hardware, opening up the PC’s case, and installing it without a fuss. Given the unique design of most Macs, we can’t say the same thing for them.

So decisions, decisions…

Ultimately, each type of workstation offers a unique blend of benefits that will push users towards one or the other. Apple’s hardware excels at design and visual applications, as well as boasting a stable, highly functional operating system.

Meanwhile, Microsoft’s wide range of compatible hardware makes it more affordable and significantly more upgradable. The extensive range of applications available for Windows also makes it a far better option for businesses that need lots of software.

At the end of the day, choosing between Mac and PC is like choosing between coke or lemonade. They’re both refreshing and tasty, but each offers a unique taste that’s perfect for a different audience.

What you need to establish, is what is right for your business’ needs? What are your firm’s goals, and what do your employee’s require to do their jobs to the best of their ability?

Author Bio:
This article was written by Official Space, one of the UK’s leading serviced office space providers. Visit their website to browse over 6,000 offices across the UK. Having the right office space is key to your business’s success.