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Best Destinations In Europe - Explore And Enjoy The View Of Nature

Europe all over the world is known for its natural and picturesque beauty. All the places here are worth visiting, at least once. 20 amongst them are termed to the best and have been nominated as the best destinations of Europe. Their scenic charm is mesmerizing and quite different from each other. You got to visit it once, to believe it.

Porto stands first

This town has won the title of the Best Destination for the year 2012 and has highest number of visitors every year. The culture and tradition is unique and breathtaking. You can spend time viewing different beauties and tasting one of the best foods that is served here. It has been credited as World Cultural Heritage as per UNESCO. It has well maintained parks, bars, museums, fashion boutiques and the river Douro is worth watching. All these things make it a place worth visiting at least once.

Vienna in Austria & Dubrovnik in Croatia

Vienna, Austria. You will find many luxurious accommodations here, so do not worry too much about hotels. Ring is a hub, whereby you can find some of the most affordable resorts and hotels. For all history lovers, this place is quite important as there are many palaces. The life here is full of energy and you have to visit here to experience its charm.

Dubrovnik, Croatia. It is amazing city that is surrounded by 1,940 meters long walls made of stones. It is thus called the city of stones. Open air museum is so good that and will leave an everlasting impression in your minds. The views are fantastic and you can spend your leisure time clicking beautiful pictures of this place. You can click one of the world’s most amazing and beautiful photos of the world.

Prague in Czech Republic & Brussels in Belgium

Prague, Czech Republic. It is built on 7 hills and is among one the world’s most beautiful cities. It has also been attributed with adjectives like hundred spired, golden and the crown- of the world. This city has unique character that is worth experiencing.

Brussels, Belgium. It is very friendly city and the natives happily greet their visitors. There are 3 official languages and people can fluently converse English. There are world class restaurants and the food is cooked by experienced chefs. Brussels is multicultural city and the population here is cosmopolitan.

This place always offers something new and unique to all its visitors no matter whatever time of the year you visit. Berlin in Germany is another exciting place to visit and is known for organizing better things for their visitors all the year. The visitors who visit would not like to spend more time in their hotel rooms, as there is lot to see and enjoy outside.

There are almost 9,000 restaurants as well as snack bars and more than hundred theatres. If you love eating, outing, and enjoying life fullest then this is the place. It is a great way to relax from the hectic life and busy schedules.