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Help! My Hard Drive Crashed: 5 Tips To Recover Data

Today, we use computers for both personal and business reasons. With that said, almost every important data and information is stored in the computer's hard drive or in an external disk. The hard drive is the main storage device in a computer; unfortunately, there are times when this device suddenly crashes and fails to function, resulting to data loss.

The outcome of a hard drive crash can either cause minor frustration or a horrible nightmare. But don't give up just yet. There is a good possibility that your important files, documents, and data are still intact and recoverable. You can consider availing the services of a professional hard drive recovery company or you can try to recover the data by yourself. Here are some data recovery tips that can help increase your chances of getting back those priceless files.

How To Recover Data From A Crashed Hard Drive

1. Identify the Problem

The first thing you need to understand before you try to recover the data is that there are two major reasons for a hard drive failure.

- Logical Error
This means that the drive is unable to find the data stored inside it. This may be due to formatting failure or a corrupt file system. This problem usually occurs if you have done any of the following: reformatting, defragment, repartitioning, or reinstallation of an operating system. For this kind of error, you can try to recover the data on your own.

- Mechanical Error
This type of error means that the drive is damaged physically. When this failure happens, you might hear some clicking sound coming from inside the computer case or from the external hard drive. If your hard drive crashed due to this error, it is advisable to avoid attempting to repair it on your own. You might cause further damage; thus, the safest option is to enlist the services of a professional.
It is possible that your hard disk suffered from both logical and mechanical error. In fact, there are times when a mechanical error will lead to a logical error. If you believe that the drive only suffered from a logical error, you can try the following steps.

2. Connect The Disk To Another Unit

You must take out the crashed drive from the current computer and try to connect it to another unit as a secondary drive. You can use a USB to IDE/SATA adapter for this process. If you don't have this adapter, you can consider connecting the disk to another unit internally as a secondary drive. If you do this, you must ensure that the machine detects the hard disk in the BIOS or you will fail to access it.

3. Copy The Data To Another Disk

After you have successfully connected the disk to another unit- internally or through a USB adapter, you must determine if you can access the contents of the drive. If you can, copy the data that you want to recover.

4. Consider Using Software For Data Recovery

If you are unable to manually copy the files from the drive, you can try using software for data recovery. Remember though that when you use such software, do not install it on the hard drive that you are trying to recover files from. If you do that, you might overwrite the data that you want to restore.

5. Enlist The Services Of A Data Recovery Company

Lastly, if none of the methods work, you might need to bring your hard drive to a data recovery service company. They have the proper certifications and skills to successfully and securely recover important data from your crashed hard drive.

Author Bio:
The author, Kris Lim, is a writer for computer repair websites where she offers tips and tricks on how to recover data from hard disk failures. She also occasionally writes about secure data recovery services.