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How To Find A Job With Your iPhone

The job market these days is rough, no doubt about it. Still, there's a lot you can do other than mope around the house complaining about it. Instead of using your iPhone to sling furious birds at pigs hiding inside buildings, you could try these apps.


This is one of the oldest and most successful professional networking websites, created way back in 2003, when not even facebook existed. As of today it has over 200 million active users in more than 200 countries, making it one of the most popular professional websites. Aside from posting your profile, interests and skills, this app allows you to thoroughly research the companies you're interested in working with, to make sure you know what you're getting into. As of recently, many big companies started accepting Linkedin profiles as resumes, making the application process easier than ever.


This is the biggest employment website worldwide, usually ranking in the top 20 most visited webpages. The idea is really simple: you upload your resume and choose your fields of interest and competence, location and expected pay, and then you have access to the millions of jobs posted by companies. As there's no small amount of jobs being offered, it's important for your profile to be as specific as possible. Otherwise you'll be flooded with more postings than you can respond to. You can even receive updates on new jobs available that match your CV, making it really easy for you.


If you find yourself applying directly to companies and need to build your resume from scratch, then this is the perfect app for you. Completely free, this app takes you step-by-step through the process of putting all your information onto the CV in the right order and format. You can choose from different templates, according to the requests of your potential employer. Then you can easily turn your CV into a PDF or RTF document, just with the touch of a button.

Interview Skills

This app was developed by Barclays, so they must know what they're talking about. Assuming you did your share of networking and wrote a solid CV, eventually you'll find yourself facing that most dreaded moment: the interview. If only there was an app that could do that for you... Until somebody comes up with that, this app will provide you with the best inside information on how to answer all those pesky questions that every interviewer likes to ask. The app also puts you in the shoes of the interviewer, where you get to make a hiring decision between three fictional applicants based on their strengths and weaknesses.


Much like Monster, this website works like a recruitment site, matching employers with job applicants. Just add your resume to the database and start hunting for the perfect job. As opposed to Monster, which is a worldwide database, Jobserve tends to focus and specialize on the british job market. This means they have access to a lot of job offers from smaller companies that don't always make it to the bigger websites. If you're looking to apply for a job only in England, then don't forget to check here.

Of course, as helpful as these apps might be, there's still the chance of finding a job through more conventional means, like your mum and dad used to do. Recruitment agencies are still a great way of finding employment, and even newspaper ads may lead you to your future job.

Author Bio:
Ross Davies loves to write about technology and regularly writes aboout iPhone apps.