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What You Should Expect From Your SIP Trunking Providers

If you are running a business dependent on good and constant communications – and who isn't? – then you are always seeking a way to improve the scope of your telecoms while cutting costs. One of the most effective ways to do so is to engage the services of one of the mushrooming SIP trunking providers, which are using the latest cloud technology.

Telecoms from the cloud

Firstly, what is SIP trunking? In a nutshell SIP, (Session Initiation Protocol) is a cloud-based telecoms network, which connects all of an enterprise's computers, telephones, servers, etc. The SIP trunk itself is an internet-based phone line connecting your office telecoms to the wider network, sending all necessary data over the Web. Because this is only dependent on your existing data ports, there is no need to hire ISDN or pay telecoms companies’ monthly bills.

Save money on calls and infrastructure

Other advantages include cheaper individual calls and quicker, more flexible provision, thanks to the fact that SIP trunking takes place via existing data connections, meaning nothing new needs to be installed. Also, unlike ISDN, your SIP network can be set up (and quickly altered) to accommodate as many or few users as your enterprise requires. If you retain the option of keeping one ISDN circuit, you can also easily create a highly resilient system that virtually guarantees no loss of service.

Bolster your connectivity

The important thing to remember is that extra connectivity is essential to run effective and reliable SIP trunking. If you have ever had a jittery, crash-prone Skype conversation, you will understand how risky it is to rely on standard Web connections for your telecoms! Because of this, the first service you should demand of a SIP trunking provider is the installation of extra connectivity and capacity.

Demanding flexibility

A good provider will also offer the option of as many SIP trunks as you feel you require. For most SMEs, this is one per half dozen phones, but for businesses based largely around telephony, such as call centres, one per phone line might be more appropriate. Expect a good provider to work with you to decide how many are required, and to offer fast responses to reconfigure your network as and when you decide – as well as providing the sort of first-class tech support that any good cloud company should pride themselves on.