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3 Apps To Help Manage Your Life

If you're anything like me, you can use a little organization in your life. My home looks like a vengeful, wingless bird came crashing through it. Luckily, there are brilliant people out there who have developed apps to help you simplify your life. These apps won't help you clean your ruined home, per say, but they will help you organize your life. So stop spending countless hours on Angry Birds and get these apps to help simplify your life!

1. Evernote

Do you have a problem remembering great ideas that just randomly pop into your head? I know I do. If I had this app 10 years ago, I'd be swimming in money like Scrooge McDuck because I would've been able to remember all my fantastic million-dollar ideas. Nowadays, the only time I can come up with good ideas is while I'm showering, and I'm pretty sure it's not a good idea to use my phone while I'm doing that. Anyways, Evernote is note-taking, idea capturing app that won't let you forget anything, as long as you remember to use the app. If you can see it, hear it, or think it, Evernote can store it for you. This app will help you keep and organize all of your great ideas.  You'll never forget another million-dollar idea! If Evernote helps you become a rich, make sure you remember who told you about it.

2. Dropbox

Dropbox is a virtual box that lets you store up to 2 GB of information online (paying users can have up to 100 GB of storage). This virtual box acts like any other folder on your computer; you can store whatever file you want in it. The special thing about Dropbox is that you can make any folder you wish public information. This allows other Dropbox users to pull this information from your computer (you can pick and choose who sees this information).  This is a great way to share documents with co-workers or share embarrassing family photos with your relatives. But, be careful: you don't want to accidentally upload your baby photos into your business folder. Dropbox is a simple, yet innovative idea. I'm pretty sure this was one of my million-dollar ideas back in the day.

3. Timr

Sometimes, after a long and hard day of work, I like to relax and play video games. But, after I'm finished, the clock always indicates that it's my bedtime. Where in the world did all the time go? Timr knows. This is a simple time tracking device that will let you know how well-spent (or poorly spent) your time is. In a business environment, this is a great way to keep track of how long projects take you to complete. This app can even help you keep track of mileage. You can also finally see how long your naps at work really are. So help yourself manage your time better. Stop throwing birds at pigs and find a more productive way to spend your time.

Author Bio:
Michael is a blogger for Smith Monitoring, a Houston alarm company. He enjoys launching birds at swine and long walks on the beach.