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5 Innovations To Expect In Future Houses

There have been numerous real estate and builder shows showcasing innovations and features that are likely to be used to build, decorate or accessorize houses in the future. Below are some of the most interesting features and innovations to expect in future houses.

1. Smokeless fireplace

Many companies are in the testing phase of fireplaces that will use bio-ethanol or denatured alcohol to produce 8 to 10 inch fire flames. If this next generation fireplaces see the light of day, future houses will no longer have to rely on traditional fireplaces for reliable heating i.e. during winter. Smokeless fireplaces of the future are expected to emit high amounts of heat continuously for 7 to 24 hours capable of warming an entire room. The task ahead is to make smokeless fireplaces legal according to most U.S. building codes so that they can become reality in all houses including apartments.

2. Outdoor blinds

These are other features expected to be popular in future houses. Although there are some houses now with outdoor blinds, most people are sceptical about this new and interesting feature. The current challenge is producing outdoor blinds which don't compromise outdoor aesthetics of houses. The current outdoor blinds in the market aren't very attractive. In the future however, outdoor blinds are expected to gain popularity because of their ability to control indoor climate thereby reducing energy consumption for heating and cooling homes.

3. Residential elevators

Elevators are also expected to become more popular in future houses. New storey houses are embracing elevators as additional aesthetics as opposed to functional house features. There are small elevators in the market currently being produced specifically for residential houses. Currently, many new home owners are expressing interest in residential elevators as an additional aesthetic/value add feature in homes. It is therefore accurate to assume that residential elevators will be dominant features in multigenerational and multi-storey houses.

4. ''Hot fridge''

Currently, there are fridges in the market that are capable of dispensing water, crushed ice and ice cubes. According to many fridge manufacturers, there are plans underway to develop fridges that dispense hot water. According to analysts, this new innovation is expected to be the next selling feature for future fridges. If the innovation sees the light of day, future houses are expected to have ''hot fridges''.

5. Multipurpose outlet/s

With the current advancement in technological devices i.e. hand held devices, there is increasing demand for multipurpose outlets capable of charging devices such as iPads, iPhones, iPods, PSP's e.t.c. which require frequent charging. According to many technology analysts, there is a huge untapped market for multipurpose outlets i.e. wall boxes with ports i.e. USB ports. Such outlets will enable people to charge their devices, plug tablets/phones right into walls at home. Multipurpose outlets are therefore among the interesting features/innovations to expect in future houses.

In summary, the above features/innovations are the most promising in future houses. It is however important to note that there are many other features and innovations that are equally promising but not mentioned above. You should therefore feel free to research and add onto the above list.

Author Bio:
Brendan is a passionate blogger about new technologies and works as a supplier of outdoor blinds.