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Gadgets And Software You Need To Take Your Business On The Road

You've spent the last few years building up your blog and it's now time to hit the road. Do you have any idea where you will go? As long as you have an Internet connection it's possible to run your business from anywhere, so the world is your oyster. Before you run and jump on an airplane you have to think about what you are going to take with you to help your business run smoothly. You might not be able to buy anything decent where you're going, so let's look at what you should take.

A good set of headphones

Once you're connected to your laptop you don't want anything in the world to disturb you so it's important that you have noise-canceling headphones. The ambient noise in coffee shops is sometimes OK and you can get on with your work, but when you're anywhere else it's sometimes hard to concentrate and without headphones you won't be able to get anything done. They also come in handy when you want to watch movies or listen to music.

Security software

When you take your business outside the country it's more important than ever that you keep it safe. The biggest thing that could go wrong is someone running off with your laptop and installing tracking software can help you get it back. Keep all your passwords in one place with a password manager to stop people getting access to anything important.  Use anti-malware software to protect your machine from viruses. There are lots of things you can do, but at least now you know what is required.

A USB flash drive

You won't always be connected to the Internet, so even if you have Dropbox installed on your laptop it doesn't necessarily mean everything is safe. Is that really a risk you're willing to take? Would you like everything to be lost forever? It's not even like you need to walk around with a huge external hard drive. As long as you have a little USB flash drive you can save any important data until you reach an Internet connection and send everything into the cloud.

A microphone

When you want to speak to someone you can't always guarantee a great Internet connection. It's important that people can here you clearly, especially if it's a business call. You don't want to look unprofessional when your income is on the line. If you have a good microphone it can easily fit into your backpack and when you use it on calls your will be more easily understood. It's a great little extra to carry around with you.

A quality camera

This isn't just to go around taking photos of the monkeys in the jungle next to your beach hut. If you want to take any videos you will need a good camera. It will allow you to shoot professional looking video and it can fit inside your pocket. If you are lucky enough to own a Smartphone you might not need to use anything else. Just make sure you're happy with the video quality of whatever you want to use before you jump on the airplane.

A graphics tablet

Another thing you might need to do is create some cool graphics to use on your blog. Just because you're making money it doesn't mean you have enough to run out and hire a professional designer every time you want something done. It would be easier if you did it yourself and it's quite hard to design anything properly without a graphics tablet. If you get a small UBS one it won't take up much room and you can set it up anywhere within a few seconds.

Author Bio:
Author of this post Sheldon Lewis; works for Webwatcher, a leading software firm. His work involves a lot of traveling and often has to work on the road. He advises people facing similar situations to get themselves the necessary gadgets mentioned in this article.