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Mark Zuckerberg, The Man Who Changed Social Networking

This American computer programmer and entrepreneur is famous as the co founder of the most popular social networking website Facebook. He has completely changed the scenario of social networking with setting high standard bars for competitors to match up the different features that constantly get updated. 

Mark Zuckerberg has always been a technology freak and comes from an educated family background. His father was a dentist and his mother a psychiatrist and it was his father and tutor who helped him understand the basics of programming early on. Zuckerberg has tried his skills in writing several software and thanks to the early success dropped out of college to pursue a career as an entrepreneur. 

A brilliant student, he excelled in academics and was a given that he would have a successful career in science and technology. His friends and family remember him to have always excelled in math and science and showed equal interest in classical studies of language and history. A close friend of his recollects that he was so well versed in Greek literature, he could recite some classic poems as well. 

Early Years As A Software Developer 

The first person to expose him to software development was his father; he taught him the basics of writing software programs and went on to get a tutor to hone his skills. His father nurtured his skills in software programming because he saw that his son had some extra special skills in the field. Mark in fact created some of his first software’s to be implemented in his dad’s dental practice, connecting all the computers to form a kind of networking platform. Growing up in a tech-savvy home where his father had the latest gadgets for his dental practice further helped Mark hone his skills. 

Even during his college years he kept developing different kinds of software’s that helped students with different tasks. Most of his software’s were developed as a hobby and his roommates recollect the various experiences they had with him. Even the inspiration for Facebook is from their dorm register that had the same name. It had pictures and details of the students who lived there and this served as a stepping-stone to create one of the best social media platforms ever. 

Even though he enrolled in Harvard, he dropped out once his career path as a software developer and entrepreneur was clearer. Facebook, which he created along with some of his friends, was instantly lapped up by one and all and this gave him more confidence to move in this career path and there was no looking back. He is one of the youngest billionaire software entrepreneurs and has steadily risen up the ladder. 

Stumbling Blocks 

Since most of his software’s were developed on previously existent ideas or with inputs from friends, he has had to face a lot of legal battles with people who often claim intellectual rights over his ideas. He has fought all of them with conviction and has had favorable settlements. 

The high point of his career was when Facebook shares were listed and even drew a lot of flak for not performing well. He has stood by his ups and downs with the support of his family and his grounded upbringing is one of the reasons for his philanthropic efforts. Mark Zuckerberg is one of the most followed people on different social networking platforms, including that of rival, Google+ and supports a lot of causes that are close to his heart.  

Author Bio:
James is a writer and blogger with 5 years experience.