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The Top Gadgets To Take With You When Travelling With Business

Transport is a key part of almost any business and is something that almost every business will need to factor in to their plans. Of course transport is critical for attending functions, trade shows and business meetings but this transport will cost a company in fuel costs while at the same time taking staff away from their regular roles. While fuel costs can be managed by using the best services and by keeping journeys to a minimum, the time taken out of your employees' working day needs to be addressed in an entirely different manner. Here we will look at some of the ways you can do that by providing your staff with gadgets and gizmos that will enable them to continue work to an effective degree when they're nowhere near the office.


The first thing that any employee needs when they're away from the office is a smartphone which will enable them to contact base in a variety of different ways from sending e-mails to texting and calling. Smartphones will be equipped with maps for getting around, with basic word processing and spreadsheet software, with cloud-based note taking apps and much more which will enable your staff to access and manipulate most of the information they would be able to in the office wherever they go.

Another big benefit of smartphones is their 'always on' connectivity. This can be highly useful for allowing your staff to surf the web when there's no WiFi access point and if their smartphone includes 'wireless tethering', then it can allow you them to even surf the web on their laptops as they go.

Laptops and Slates

For this to work they will of course need a decent laptop which should be portable while still being powerful enough to handle the majority of tasks that your staff might need it for. For instance they should be able to run all of the usual office software and to multitask if necessary, while at the same time being able to slip their computer easily into a bag and get lots of battery power from it.

These days there are many more options besides the regular laptop design and if you want to give your staff the very most flexibility in the way they work then you might want to look into a Windows 8 'slate' computer. These are tablets that allow the screen to be taken away separately from the keyboard, thus allowing your staff to work standing up and to carry less weight with them. These tablets also often feature a more intuitive touch-screen interface which is useful for giving presentations etc. but the ability to run full Windows and to be attached to a keyboard means that they can also be used for most productivity tasks.


A lot of software can help your staff to stay 'in the loop' when they're away. Look into cloud based services in particular that will enable them to access the most recent versions of files and collaborate on the move. Time clock software meanwhile can enable them to punch in and out even when they're not physically in the office.

Video Conferencing

Investing in video conferencing equipment for both your staff who are on the move and your office-based team is a useful strategy if you want to be able to communicate as normal with your colleagues. This way you can conduct meetings even when your staff are away with your corporate travel agency.

Author Bio:
Today's guest post is authored by Jack Foster. A smart cookie, he keeps tab on the latest technological developments and makes most of it to improve work efficiency. He also blogs about different business aspects in his spare time.